id: 2f34jr

Supporting Our Graduating Scholars. Akademeia Fundraiser 2023

Supporting Our Graduating Scholars. Akademeia Fundraiser 2023


We are organising this fundraiser to support two of our exceptional graduating scholars, Julek and Alex, to gather funds that will enable them to continue their studies in the most prestigious universities in Europe. 


Our scholars are some of the most multi-talented individuals at the school. They regularly contribute to all aspects of school life, beyond the academic curriculum. As part of our mission to fortify these talents, we wish to support them in their studies beyond Akademeia, so that they can continue to develop their potential and meaningful contribute to science and society. 


Julek received university offers for aerospace engineering from Imperial College London and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, among others. In the future, he would like to concentrate on aerospace engineering. Alex received offers from top undergraduate programmes in mathematics including University of Warwick and King’s College London to read mathematics. He hopes to pursue research in pure maths.


Julek joined us on the academic scholarship in Year 10, during four years at AHS, he has proven to be an active and dedicated member of our community. His academic achievements include: Merit Award in the British Maths Olympia, Gold Award in the British Physics Olympiad, and Gold Award in the British Chemistry Olympiad (top 1% of all participants). He was also a key member of the student team in the Samsung Solve for Tomorrow competition last year, where our students took the 2nd place in the national finals. Apart from academics, Julek dedicates his time to community service and volunteering, whether it is tutoring younger students in maths or volunteering in the Copernicus Science Centre. His extracurricular projects included designing and building a model glider with wingspan of 1 meter. Having obtained a primary glider course in summer 2022, he is now trying to acquire a glider pilot license. Among his peers, he is also well known for his student club Dungeon and Dragons, and his math card tricks which he performed to the delight of the whole school community while raising money for WOŚP. 

Alex is originally from China, however he has lived in Poland for the majority of his life, and joined us from Poznań three years ago as an academic scholar. His impressive maths skills were recognised internationally. He was invited to two very selective, fully funded mathematics camps: Mathcamp in North America and Maths Beyond Limits in Europe. Year on year, Alex was year recognised for the Best Performance in Mathematics and was awarded the Best Academic Performance of Fifth Form. Apart from his passion for mathematics, Alex is also an avid guitarist and a member of the School Band, performing at school concerts, charity events, and formal ceremonies. He also founded a student after school club called Mathemagic and was a co-organiser of one of the biggest student-led charity fundraisers to support WOŚP. In his free time, Alex also volunteers as a maths tutor at the AHS boarding house. 


We strongly believe that Julek and Alex have the potential to become leaders in their communities and respective academic fields. Their attitudes embody the school values – passion for learning, perseverance and kindness.


Everybody in our school community recognises those two students for their dedication and engagement. In order to take their university offers further, we would like to help them raise 400,000PLN to cover the cost of tuition and accommodation. To achieve this goal, we have organized a significant Fundraiser at school on June 2nd.


The programme is as follows:

  • 4:30PM Graduating Art Exhibition & Silent Auction
  • 6:00PM Music Concert
  • 7:00PM Live Art Auction

(See our Facebook page for more details and registration if you wish to attend) 


All the funds collected through are intended to support our ultimate goal.


Donations will be transferred to the AHS Foundation fund and divided equally between the two scholars.

If you would like to support Alek or Julek specifically, you can also send the donation to the AHS Foundation account directly, indicating the name of a student you wish to sponsor in the title of the bank transfer.


Thank you for your generosity.


Akademeia High School Foundation 

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  • DF
    Dominika Fiołna

    Congratulations on the amazing event! This is for the Silent Auction bid.

    200 zł