Moneybox created for fundraiser Na rozwój sportowy Nikolasa

Fundraising for Nicolas' Development

Fundraising for Nicolas' Development

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Na rozwój sportowy Nikolasa
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My name is Nikolas and I am nine years old. 

I live in Aalesund in Norway and football is my passion. 

I've been playing football since I rememeber. You could say it was a love at first kick and a football became the one and only toy of mine ever since. 

I've been playing for a local club, Sk Herd, since I was six.

At the age of eight I was invited to have a training session with NF Academy in Oslo and a year later, after passing a series of tests, I was invited to join the Team of Polish Soccer Skills with whom I am about to go on tour this year .

During the tour we are going to play Sparta and Slavia Prague in Czehia and Red Bull Salzburg in Austria. You can probably imagine how excited I am and you won't be supprised if I told you that I already have started the countdown. 

In the meantime I was invited again for a series of trainning sessions (5 this time) with NF Academy in Oslo. During this summer holiday l plan to particiapte in the following events:

- A week long sport camp in Ustronie Morskie in Poland and 

- A five-day sport camp organised by Barca Academy in Oslo, Norway.

I would like to invite you to my journey and be a part of it. As you can imagine nothing in this world is free and development requires funds. I do understand, however that participating in those events does not neccesite that I will ever become a famous footballer (nor a footballer at all). Moreover, the history knows plenty of footballers who started their careers on the sunny beaches of Rio. I do admire them but this isn't my story.

If you would like to support me, please do make a contribution.

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