id: 66eyap

Help for organizing supply of clean water for Varinawa Tribe from Brasilian Amazon forest. / Pomoc w organizacji dostawy wody pitnej dla rodziny plemienia Varinawa mieszkającej w Brazylijskiej części lasu Amazońskiego

Help for organizing supply of clean water for Varinawa Tribe from Brasilian Amazon forest. / Pomoc w organizacji dostawy wody pitnej dla rodziny plemienia Varinawa mieszkającej w Brazylijskiej części lasu Amazońskiego

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Dzień dobry, Zgłosił się do mnie Pina z plemienia Varinawa, z następującym problemem. W związku z suszą i zanieczyszczeniem wody z której się poili ( obecnie ta woda powoduje zatrucie i wymioty ). Dostawa wody jest potrzebna na czas sezonu letniego i koszt jednej dostawy to 10000 reali brazylińskich czyli circa 1900 USD i o tyle wspólnie się staramy. Każdy 1 Pln, USD jest na wagę życia i zdrowia ...proszę o Wasze wsparcie. Sam wrzucam 100 USD na dobry start ...❣️🙌🏻

Hello, I was approached by Pina from Varinawa tribe with the following problem. Due to the drought and pollution of the water from which they drank (now this water causes poisoning and vomiting). The water supply is needed during the summer season and the cost of one delivery is 10,000 Brazilian reais, or around 1,900 USD, and we are trying together. Each PLN 1, USD is important to life and health ... I am asking for your support. I throw in 400 PLN myself for a good start ... ❣️🙌🏻

Buenos días, Pina se me acercó de la tribu Varinawa con el siguiente problema. Debido a la sequía y la contaminación del agua de la que bebieron (ahora esta agua causa envenenamiento y vómitos). El suministro de agua es necesario durante la temporada de verano y el costo de una entrega es de 10,000 reales brasileños, o alrededor de 1,900 USD, y estamos intentando juntos. Cada PLN 1, USD es importante para la vida y la salud ... Le pido su apoyo. Lanzo 100 USD para un buen comienzo ... ❣️🙌🏻

original message from Pina Varinava

My cosmic brothers and sisters, I am asking everyone's strength at this moment for something very important, before I lived in a village that had a portion of the water, but now I am living in the middle of the forest furthest from the BR-364 road, planting medicine for future spiritual work, for this reason we are encountering a very serious problem with the issue of drinking water, we want to make a portion of the water for my family, because we are in summer the streams are drying and it is polluted and causing diarrhea and vomiting, please fellowship help us make a portion of the quality water for children.

The Varinawa-Katuina People

 In the first years of contact with the whites, the Katukina lived a period of constant displacement, trying to escape alive from the "corrias" - incursions whose objective was to eliminate the indigenous populations for the liberation of the rubber plantations -, organized by Peruvian caucheiros and Brazilian rubber tappers. Fleeing the "run", the Katukina dispersed in the region. Unable to stay together, they began to move through the forest, living on hunting, gathering and assaulting the fields they encountered along the way, as they could no longer make their own, since they would be an easy trail that would inevitably lead whites from comes back to them. In addition, the displacements were also driven by the belief that the spirits of the dead, longing for their relatives, could come to earth to fetch them.

 In the first decade of this century, "running" ceased, partly because the rubber trees, which needed to be felled, were exhausted and also due to the border conflicts between Brazil and Peru, which were resolved by a treaty in 1909 The drop in the price of rubber on the international market in 1912 also contributed to the end of "running". The "running" ended, but the Katukina keep in horror the memories transmitted by their parents and grandparents, who speak of escapes and mismatches in the woods and are full of images of mutilated bodies marked by violence.


 Save the Amazon

 Join us to protect the world's largest rainforest



 What is happening to the Amazon?

 The largest tropical forest in the world, owner of the greatest biodiversity on the planet, is at risk. Without the Amazon, we will not be able to win the fight to combat climate change. In the last few months alone, more than 1 billion trees fell in the Amazon. Agricultural activity advances every day over the forest. Rivers are being threatened by the construction of hydroelectric dams. Gold mining, invasions and theft of wood continue to plague indigenous lands and conservation units. Areas of the forest are being sold via auction for companies to explore for oil and natural gas.

 In the period from August 2018 to July 2019, deforestation in the Amazon grew 30%, equivalent to 1.4 million soccer fields, according to PRODES data, measured by the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Conservation units and indigenous lands registered an increase of 55% and 62% respectively compared to the previous period. And this is a sad reality that we can no longer afford. To save the Amazon is to save the planet. Together, we will achieve Zero Deforestation, the viable, fast and inexpensive solution to combat climate change.

 But what do I have to do with forests?

 Everything to do! The Amazon is of fundamental importance in controlling the planet's climate and in the availability of fresh water. That is, without a forest there is no water and food production. Your help is essential to keep forests standing.

 Without the Amazon Forest, we will not be able to win the battle for climate. Only with the conservation of the forest, we will guarantee the global climatic balance, preventing the temperature of the planet from increasing. We are experiencing a climate emergency! Floods, droughts, super hot summers, extreme temperatures are already impacting the lives of thousands of people, especially the most vulnerable.

 In the last months we had in the indigenous land katukina, greater dryness of streams and rivers due to deforestation on the water's edge this is causing a lot of health problems mainly diarrhea, vomiting and fever for this reason the village varinawa asked for your support to build a portion of drinking water for the community.

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