id: 75gctg

We support Ukraine / We support Ukraine

We support Ukraine / We support Ukraine

Our users created 1 181 576 fundraisers and raised 1 235 887 947 zł

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Stworzyliśmy zrzutkę w celu wsparcia akcji charytatywnej dla Ukrainy.

01.03 Zbieramy fundusze na duże zamówienie medykamentów.

Mamy już dostawcę, ale potrzebujemy Waszego wsparcia.

08.03 pierwszy zakup środków medycznych już za nami

English below:

We have created this donation possibility to support Charity Action for Ukraine.

First part of collected money was used to purchase medications and remaining amount will be used according to current needs.

01.03.: We are collecting funds to cover bigger order of tactical medications.

We have already found supplier but we need your support.

08.03.: First part of medications was already bought

There is no description yet.

There is no description yet.

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