id: 7pfukm

Direct support for Ukrainian families in Poland

Direct support for Ukrainian families in Poland


  • Udało nam się wypłacić pierwsze przekazane 20 tys. zł i zakupiliśmy bony na żywność w supermarkecie Biedronka 200 x 100 zł i rozdaliśmy je różnym agencjom – w tym 6000, które trafiły do Domu Kultury w Milanówku w celu rozdania rodzinom. We have been able to withdraw the first 20,000 PLN donated and we purchased 200 x 100 PLN Biedronka supermarket vouchers for food and distributed them to various agencies- including 6000 that went to Milanowek cultural centre for distribution to families. 

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We are supporting people that are providing local housing and other types of accommodation for free to Ukrainian refugees. We will use your donation to provide welcome packages of food and toiletries, towels, bedding, internet, tv and telecoms - as well as covering some initial bills associated with providing quality accommodation and a lick of paint here and there. Ongoing bills for heating and lighting will also be covered. Thanks for contributing.

English below:

We are supporting people that are providing local housing and other types of accommodation for free to Ukrainian refugees. We will use your donation to provide welcome packages of food and toiletries, towels, bedding, internet, tv and telecoms - as well as covering some initial bills associated with providing quality accommodation and a lick of paint here and there. Ongoing bills for heating and lighting will also be covered. Thanks for contributing.

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Comments 8

2500 characters
  • A&
    Adrian & Laura Bird

    thank you for doing this

  • MT
    Mrs Turkish

    Very happy to support your admirable work.

    100 zł
  • RF
    Rokos Frangos

    Wasze współczucie jest naszą wspólną misją. Dziękuję i kontynuuj pracę

    100 zł
  • T

    You are ALL amazing ❤️ Thank you

    100 zł
    Anonymous user

    Best wishes from UK
