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Our users created 1 251 393 fundraisers and raised 1 417 189 375 zł
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Pieniądze przeznaczymy na :
🖤 Fundacja Feminoteka
🖤 NBF Nowy Byt Feministyczny
🖤 Abortion Network Amsterdam
Polska plasuje się w niechlubnej czołówce listy krajów, w których dostęp do bezpiecznej i legalnej aborcji jest w najlepszym razie bardzo utrudniony, a w dużej części przypadków wręcz zupełnie niemożliwy.
Obecnie zabieg przerywania ciąży można zgodnie z prawem wykonać jedynie wówczas, gdy spełniona jest jedna z trzech przesłanek wymienionych w Ustawie o planowaniu rodziny z 1993 roku: gdy zagrożone jest życie lub zdrowie kobiety, gdy ciąża jest wynikiem gwałtu lub kazirodztwa oraz gdy badanie prenatalne wykazuje nieuleczalne zniekształcenie płodu. Ustawa ta jest de facto zgniłym “kompromisem” pomiędzy konserwatystami i centrystami a Kościołem Katolickim. Kryminalizuje ona prawo do aborcji w przypadku rezygnacji z posiadania dzieci w wyniku rozmaitych przyczyn losowych. Jest też mocno oderwana od naszych - dziewczyn, kobiet, osób z macicami żyjących w Polsce - realnych, codziennych doświadczeń.
Sytuacja nie napawa optymizmem - publikacja wyroku Trybunału Konstytucyjnego, zaostrzającego obecną ustawę, to właściwie kwestia dni. Jest to jasny sygnał, że politycy do spółki z ortodoksyjnymi katolikami w dalszym ciągu roszczą sobie pretensje, by coraz intensywniej ingerować w nasze autonomiczne decyzje.
Walka o dekryminalizację aborcji trwa w Polsce nieprzerwanie od 28 lat i zamierzamy ją kontynuować aż do momentu, w którym prawo do samostanowienia nie będzie w końcu podlegało opresyjnej ingerencji coraz bardziej zachłannego aparatu władzy politycznej i religijnej.
Cykl proaborcyjnych streamów jest właśnie elementem tej walki. Zagramy my oraz nasi zaprzyjaźnieni didżeje i didżejki, którym sprawa ta jest równie bliska. Podczas każdego ze streamów będziemy zbierać środki pieniężne, które w całości przeznaczone zostaną na rzecz organizacji pomagającym kobietom.
Zagramy, bo żadna z nas nigdy nie powinna być w tej walce sama.
🖤 Inicjatywa FeMade
Link do wydarzenia :
Dołączcie do nas, bawcie się i wspierajcie akcję przez cały miesiąc. Do usłyszenia! :)
Poland is currently in the infamous top of the list of countries where access to safe and legal abortion is at best very difficult, and by large almost impossible.
At the moment, termination of the pregnancy can only be legally performed when one of the three conditions listed in the Act on 1993 family planning are in place: when a woman's life or health is at risk, when a pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, and where prenatal testing shows incurable foetal deformity.
This law was de facto a rotten "compromise" between the conservatives, the centrists and the Catholic Church. It criminalizes the right to abortion in case of individual’s resignation from having children due to other reasons not listed in the abortion law.
The Act on 1993 family planning is thus strongly disjoined from the needs of our girls, women and people with wombs living in Poland today and detached from their real everyday experiences.
The situation is even less optimistic, given that the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal will become official in a matter of weeks, a publication which with a high degree of certainty will result in further tightening of the abortion law.
This is a clear signal to us, that the politicians whom are in partnership with Orthodox Catholics interfere with our autonomous decisions further and further.
The fight to decriminalize abortion in Poland has been going on for 28 years and we intend it to continue it until the right to autonomous decisions concerning our bodies is no longer dictated by the oppressive interference of the increasingly greedy apparatus of political power and religion.
This initiative is a part of the fight. Every weekend in February 2021, in several Polish cities and abroad, we set to organise a series of livestreams with electronic music. Members of the FeMade collective will play along other DJs who want to participate in the fight against the strict anti-abortion law.
During each of the livestreams we will attach a special link with the information of how to donate money to the cause. All of the money collected during these streams will go directly to the organizations helping women.
We strongly encourage you to support our campaign and thank you in advance for all payments,
FeMade Initiative
English below:
We're Supporting :
🖤 Fundacja Feminoteka
Poland is currently in the infamous top of the list of countries where access to safe and legal abortion is at best very difficult, and by large almost impossible.
At the moment, termination of the pregnancy can only be legally performed when one of the three conditions listed in the Act on 1993 family planning are in place: when a woman's life or health is at risk, when a pregnancy is the result of rape or incest, and where prenatal testing shows incurable foetal deformity.
This law was de facto a rotten "compromise" between the conservatives, the centrists and the Catholic Church. It criminalizes the right to abortion in case of individual’s resignation from having children due to other reasons not listed in the abortion law.
The Act on 1993 family planning is thus strongly disjoined from the needs of our girls, women and people with wombs living in Poland today and detached from their real everyday experiences.
The situation is even less optimistic, given that the judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal will become official in a matter of weeks, a publication which with a high degree of certainty will result in further tightening of the abortion law.
This is a clear signal to us, that the politicians whom are in partnership with Orthodox Catholics interfere with our autonomous decisions further and further.
The fight to decriminalize abortion in Poland has been going on for 28 years and we intend it to continue it until the right to autonomous decisions concerning our bodies is no longer dictated by the oppressive interference of the increasingly greedy apparatus of political power and religion.
This initiative is a part of the fight. Every weekend in February 2021, in several Polish cities and abroad, we set to organise a series of livestreams with electronic music. Members of the FeMade collective will play along other DJs who want to participate in the fight against the strict anti-abortion law.
During each of the livestreams we will attach a special link with the information of how to donate money to the cause. All of the money collected during these streams will go directly to the organizations helping women.
We strongly encourage you to support our campaign and thank you in advance for all payments,
FeMade Initiative

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