Pomoc Dla Ukrainy
Pomoc Dla Ukrainy
Our users created 1 232 131 fundraisers and raised 1 366 207 903 zł
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Jesteśmy grupą przyjaciół, którzy zdecydowali się dać coś od siebie naszym sąsiadom za wschodniej granicy.
Podczas gdy Rosjanie plądrują, bombardują, gwałcą i mordują niczemu winna ludność Ukrainy, my nie możemy bezczynnie oglądać tych wydarzeń z ekranów telewizorów.
Giną ludzie, a cała Ukraina walczy nie tylko o swoją wolność ale także o wolność Twoją, moja i Nasza. Dziś Ukraina, jutro inny wolny kraj wolnej Europy stojący na drodze reżimowi Putina.
Nam obserwatorom ciężko jest uwierzyć, że to dzieje się naprawdę. Codzienne reportaże ukazują piętno wojny. Środek Europy XXI wieku a za naszą granicą piekło zmaterializowało się.
Ile razy oglądając zbrodnie na kobietach i dzieciach oczy wypełniły Ci się łzami ??
Setki z nich nie zdarzyło uciec z tego piekła, dalej tam tkwią doznając bestialstwa RADZIECKIEJ ARMI.
Takim właśnie ludziom chcemy pomóc. Organizujemy zbiórkę aby móc jechać na granicę z darami. Ogarneliśmy już transport oraz trochę materiałów niezbędnych na chwilę obecną na naszej granicy.
Zamierzamy tam dotrzeć jak najszybciej i chociaż trochę odciążyć naszych rodaków zaangażowanych tam w pomoc od kilkunastu dni.
Dlatego zwracam się do was o wsparcie. Razem możemy zdziałać cuda. Choć nie jesteśmy w stanie zatrzymać machiny wojennej Putina, to jesteśmy już w stanie choć na chwilę zaopatrzyć ludność okupowanego kraju w najpotrzebniejsze rzeczy.
We are a group of friends who decided to give something back to our neighbors on the eastern border.
While the Russians are looting, bombing, raping and murdering the guilty people of Ukraine, we cannot idly watch these events from our TV screens.
People are dying, and the whole of Ukraine fights not only for its freedom, but also for your freedom, mine and ours. Today Ukraine, tomorrow another free country of free Europe standing in the way of Putin's regime.
It is hard for us observers to believe that this is really happening. Daily reports show the stigma of the war. The center of Europe in the 21st century and hell has materialized abroad.
How many times have your eyes filled with tears while watching crimes against women and children?
Hundreds of them never escaped from this hell, they are still stuck there experiencing the bestiality of the Soviet Army.
These are the people we want to help. We organize a fundraiser to be able to go to the border with gifts. We have already covered transport and some materials necessary at the moment on our border.
We intend to get there as soon as possible and at least relieve our compatriots who have been helping there for several days.
That is why I am asking you for support. Together, we can work wonders. Although we are not able to stop Putin's war machine, we are already able to provide the population of the occupied country with the most necessary things, even for a moment.
English below:
We are a group of friends who decided to give something back to our neighbors on the eastern border.
While the Russians are looting, bombing, raping and murdering the guilty people of Ukraine, we cannot idly watch these events from our TV screens.
People are dying, and the whole of Ukraine fights not only for its freedom, but also for your freedom, mine and ours. Today Ukraine, tomorrow another free country of free Europe standing in the way of Putin's regime.
It is hard for us observers to believe that this is really happening. Daily reports show the stigma of the war. The center of Europe in the 21st century and hell has materialized abroad.
How many times have your eyes filled with tears while watching crimes against women and children?
Hundreds of them never escaped from this hell, they are still stuck there experiencing the bestiality of the Soviet Army.
These are the people we want to help. We organize a fundraiser to be able to go to the border with gifts. We have already covered transport and some materials necessary at the moment on our border.
We intend to get there as soon as possible and at least relieve our compatriots who have been helping there for several days.
That is why I am asking you for support. Together, we can work wonders. Although we are not able to stop Putin's war machine, we are already able to provide the population of the occupied country with the most necessary things, even for a moment.
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