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Tranzycja By móc być sobą
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Dzięki waszej pomocy udało mi się już wykonać opinie psychiatryczną oraz jestem w trakcie robienia opinii psychologicznej u Haaka, mam już całą sumę na testy psychologiczne oraz dwa ostatnie spotkania z psychologiem Haakiem
Jestem niesamowicie wdzięczny za tak ogromną pomoc i bardzo szczęśliwy że jestem na ostatniej prostej do hormonów które bardzo mi pomogą i zmniejszą ogrom cierpienia
Zbiórka jest nadal aktywna i teraz nasz cel to badania potrzebne do tranzycji medycznej i wizyty u Pani endokrynolog !!
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Hi. My name is Marcel (he/him), I'm 18 yo. and I am transgender. I do not identify wit the gender that was assigned to me at birth.Unfortunately I struggle with growing dysphoria on a daily basis, which makes functioning difficult and steals all the joy from life. I am not able to gather enough money for transition, even though I save every penny. I am still learning and cannot go to work due to my health conditions. I live with my partner and we make a living from her payout and my alimony, I don't want to burden her with the costs of my transition, because all the money goes for bills and housekeeping. That is why I decided to open this collection. Though I would rather deal with the costs by myself, all hope is in this collection. All the money will be dedicated to visiting doctors and making a diagnosis (psychiatrist, psychologist, sexologist, endocrinologist), hormons and tests. Currently I have an appointment with psychiatrist Maciej Kontny and psychologist Dominik Haak. I will update the progress on my transition on an ongoing basis. Thank you very much for every donation, every little helps, and I believe that thanks to your help I will be able to start life being fully me. Thank you!

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