pomóc rodzinie / Pomóc rodzinie
pomóc rodzinie / Pomóc rodzinie
Our users created 1 231 535 fundraisers and raised 1 364 233 642 zł
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I am asking for help from anyone who cares. My story began on 24 February when my former life completely changed. My family had to move from Ukraine because of the war. At one point my parents' work or rather their business, which covered all the family expenses, ceased to exist due to the occupation of Ukrainian cities by the Russian military. At the moment I am living in a rented flat with my mother, sister and two little nieces and nephews. My sister's husband and my father stayed to help our army locally and they gave their trucks to the military. My sister and I regularly help refugees and soldiers here in Warsaw, everyone does what he can. Now my biggest problem is to give my mother and my esister a good start in life, because without knowing other languages it is hard to find a job, and also help my grandmother to move to Warsaw, because she is the only one left there. My salary is not enough to pay all the bills and help with the upkeep of two small children. I hope for your help, thank you all very much.
Proszę o pomoc wszystkich, którym na tym zależy. Moja historia zaczęła się 24 lutego, kiedy moje dotychczasowe życie całkowicie się zmieniło. Moja rodzina musiała przenieść się z Ukrainy z powodu wojny. W pewnym momencie praca moich rodziców, a raczej ich firma, która pokrywała wszystkie wydatki rodziny, przestała istnieć z powodu zajęcia ukraińskich miast przez wojska rosyjskie. Obecnie mieszkam w wynajętym mieszkaniu z matką, siostrą oraz dwiema siostrzenicami i siostrzeńcami. Mąż mojej siostry i mój ojciec zostali, aby pomóc naszej armii na miejscu, a swoje ciężarówki oddali wojsku. Moja siostra i ja regularnie pomagamy uchodźcom i żołnierzom tutaj w Warszawie, każdy robi, co może. Teraz moim największym problemem jest zapewnienie mamie i siostrze dobrego startu w życiu, bo bez znajomości innych języków trudno znaleźć pracę, a także pomoc babci w przeprowadzce do Warszawy, bo tylko ona tam została. Moja pensja nie wystarcza na opłacenie wszystkich rachunków i pomoc w utrzymaniu dwójki małych dzieci. Liczę na Waszą pomoc, bardzo Wam wszystkim dziękuję.
English below:
I am asking for help from anyone who cares. My story began on 24 February when my former life completely changed. My family had to move from Ukraine because of the war. At one point my parents' work or rather their business, which covered all the family expenses, ceased to exist due to the occupation of Ukrainian cities by the Russian military. At the moment I am living in a rented flat with my mother, sister and two little nieces and nephews. My sister's husband and my father stayed to help our army locally and they gave their trucks to the military. My sister and I regularly help refugees and soldiers here in Warsaw, everyone does what he can. Now my biggest problem is to give my mother and my esister a good start in life, because without knowing other languages it is hard to find a job, and also help my grandmother to move to Warsaw, because she is the only one left there. My salary is not enough to pay all the bills and help with the upkeep of two small children. I hope for your help, thank you all very much.
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