id: aa2ysc

Help for Nastka and Luka

Help for Nastka and Luka

Our users created 1 201 399 fundraisers and raised 1 274 456 831 zł

What will you fundraise for today?


We are PepsiCo employees, together with our friends from Karmimy Psiaki, we want to help cat and dog from the La Fauna Foundation.

What do animals say about themselves?


My name is Nastka. I was born in plots where there were good people but their kindness ended with the season. Later, we are left almost alone on the plots, with ad hoc help. The foundation caught all the kittens and is looking for new homes for them. They also castrated our mother and all our aunts.There will be no more kittens in need of help in this place, but we (me, my sisters and cousins) need support.



I am Luka. Someone kicked me out like a thing. he led out of the car and drove away.It was very cold and I was looking for help.I managed to beg for food on a nearby farm.This is how I became chained. From the rain under Plantage, as they say.I gave birth to many puppies, my children were going out into the street, one of them was hit by a car. Then someone called the foundation.They took us. My kids found great homes, and I'm still waiting for such a home.


About the Karmimy Psiaki

As part of the Karmimy Psiaki campaign, we support homeless dogs and cats from shelters throughout Poland. We are part of the Saragato Foundation. Check our effects -> link.

The goal of this collection is set at 2000 PLN, but we truly believe that together we are able to collect more money and help more pets from shelters!

Foundation needs:

• Wet cat food, eg Animonda, Dolina Noteci, Bozita, Feringa

• Wet food for dogs, eg Rocco, Rafi, Dolina Noteci, Animonda, Rinti

• Dry dog food such as Fitmin, Brit, Purizon

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Donations 93

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100 zł
30 zł
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25 zł
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10 zł
Hanna Chabrowska
5 zł
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Hidden data
50 zł
Hidden data
15 zł
Dorota Romanek
5 zł
Magda Surgiewicz
5 zł
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Comments 2

2500 characters
  • Kasia K-D

    Nie mogłam być tym razem w biurze i upiec / skosztować wypieków, ale obowiązkowo dorzucam się i dziękuję za to co robicie dla zwierząt!

    100 zł
  • DR
    Przemysław Lewandowski

    Dyniowe z mascarpone

    30 zł