id: bae6wv

Fundraising for our Ukrainian friends (GR) / Fundraising for our Ukrainian friends (GR)

Fundraising for our Ukrainian friends (GR) / Fundraising for our Ukrainian friends (GR)

Our users created 1 243 867 fundraisers and raised 1 395 491 605 zł

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Dear All,

As you well know, the situation we face is unprecedented in our lifetime.

It also requires more engagement and effort than ever to support those in need.

As we announced, GetResponse will provide financial and organizational support for Ukrainian employees and their families in need.

But we know that you also want to help our Ukrainian friends and their close ones, which is why we've created this fundraiser to enable direct financial aid to support them.


If you want to know what these funds will be devoted to, here are some examples:

  • family of 12, who just escaped from Ukraine, and are staying in one of our teammate's parents' house,
  • a cousin of our employee and her two little kids, who are located temporarily in Warsaw.

Collected money will be used for these and other people in need.

We want to ensure lodging, nourishment and other essentials for those

that will be settling - at least for now - in Poland.

We're counting on your support, as every PLN counts. 

Especially that GetResponse will match all our donations (for each 1 PLN donated by the team, another 1 PLN will be contributed by the company!)

English below:


Dear All,

As you well know, the situation we face is unprecedented in our lifetime.

It also requires more engagement and effort than ever to support those in need.

As we announced, GetResponse will provide financial and organizational support for Ukrainian employees and their families in need.We're genuinely moved by your willingness to help Ukrainians

facing the terror of this war, which has pushed so many already

to flee their country and abandon all their possessions.But we know that you also want to help our Ukrainian friends and their close ones, which is why we've created this fundraiser to enable direct financial aid to support them.:dove_of_peace::flag-ua:

If you want to, know what these funds will be devoted to, here are some examples:

  • family of 12, who just escaped and are staying in one of our teammate's parents' house,
  • a cousin of our employee and her two little kids, who are located temporarily in Warsaw.

Collected money will be used for these and other people in need.

We want to ensure lodging, nourishment and other essentials for those that will be settling - at least for now - in Poland.

We're counting on your support, as every PLN counts. 

Especially that GetResponse will match all our donations (for each 1 PLN donated by the team, another 1 PLN will be contributed by the company!)

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