id: bpur5a

Na sprzęt do ratowania rannych Ukraina

Na sprzęt do ratowania rannych Ukraina

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RnxVeTFxh6lGHQa4.jpgbieramy środki na zaopatrzenie medyczne naszego kolegi z pracy który nie bacząc na wszystko wyjechał do swojej ojczyzny, aby pomóc rannym żołnierzom.

Na ten moment dostajemy informacje od Oleha czego mu brakuje aby pomagać innym.

Zbiórki w firmie w której pracujemy nie są w stanie pokryć zapotrzebowania jakie stawia front...

Potrzebujemy pomocy z zewnątrz aby móc uratować więcej bohaterów z Ukrainy. Zbiórka ma pokryć w ilości hurtowej opatrunki tamujące krwawienia, kroplówki, leki. Bardzo pomocna też będzie termowizja aby medycy mogli w nocy odnajdować rannych.

English below:

We collect funds for medical supplies for our colleague from work - Oleh who, regardless of everything, went back to his homeland (Ukraine) to help wounded soldiers and civilians near Kiev. He is a paramedic. At the moment we receive information from Oleh about what kind of supplies they lack in order to help others. The local fundraising within the company we are working for is not able to cover the needs that are at the battle front.

Therefore, we are looking for additional help from other companies and people to bring aid and save Ukrainian people.

The goal of fundraising is to cover the needs by buying mainly medical supplies such as anti-bleeding dressings, all sort of bandages, painkillers, drips and so on.

In addition, we are trying to collect the money to buy a nightvision for medics as this would be very helpful for them when they have to find and get the wounded and dead soldiers back from the battleground over the night. Night vision would not only make it is easier to find them but also would minimise the risk of being shot by Russian soldiers. There is a high need of a night vision that has at least 1 mile range. We would also like to assure that we will gather all bills for the ordered supplies and stuff and will share the pictures of what we managed to buy.

The plan is to gather the money, order the stuff and then deliver it into the border crossing and pass it over to Ukrainians.


The company name we are working for is Klimor Sp. z o.o. located in northern Poland and fundraising was started by it's employees.


Many thanks for anybody who is willing to help.

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Comments 2

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  • Joanna Wojska

    Thank you very much for your support. God bless. Joanna

    Anonymous user

    Thank you for setting up this fundraiser. All the best to those providing medical aid, God bless you all.
