id: cdjw6n

Noble Gift Fundraising for Zofia

Noble Gift Fundraising for Zofia

Our users created 1 201 399 fundraisers and raised 1 274 456 470 zł

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The Noble Gift known as a Szlachetna Paczka is the largest and most recognizable foundation in Poland which helps families in need. It responds to the actual needs of the recipients in the form of Christmas gifts.


This year we're helping Zofia:

Mrs. Zofia is an energetic and lively eighty-year-old woman. She lives alone because her son suffers from multiple sclerosis and has to stay in a care facility with constant supervision. Mrs. Zofia's life has not been easy; her husband passed away at a young age, leaving her alone with her son. Soon after, it was discovered that her son was ill, prompting her to resign from work to take care of him. This led to financial difficulties. Despite her age, Mrs. Zofia strives to be very active. Her greatest dream is to ensure that, after her passing, her son will have the care he needs and won't be left alone.

Zofia's total income is 2225 PLN, the total expenses amount to 1040, and the income per family member is 1185 PLN.

Crosswords and logical puzzles bring her great joy and allow her to forget the concerns of everyday life.



Mrs. Zofia's apartment was flooded by a neighbor. Unfortunately, the insurance money was not enough to replace the doors— the old ones are leaky and damaged. Mrs. Zofia is unable to save up such a significant amount. The best solution would be new doors with guaranteed installation.

Cleaning Supplies

Mrs. Zofia suffers from atopic dermatitis, so she uses special cosmetics tailored to her needs.


Mrs. Zofia only has an old jacket that is not warm enough for chilly winter days. A good solution would be a voucher for a store—Mrs. Zofia would appreciate being able to try on the jacket herself to choose the right size.

In addition to the doors and jacket, Zofia also needs a new shoes and bedding, so let's try to raise the appropriate amount to purchase vouchers.

There will be a container for smaller gifts in the office Upstairs, next to round table.


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The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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Donations 14

Hidden data
Tiago Carvalho
400 zł
Michał Olejnik
1 000 zł
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Hidden data
100 zł
Hidden data
100 zł
Justyna Wachowska
200 zł
Dawid Luczkowski
170 zł
Danylo Hoshko
70 zł
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