id: cgxzcd

Ostatnie pożegnanie Marka / Mark's last farewell

Ostatnie pożegnanie Marka / Mark's last farewell

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Z wielkim smutkiem zawiadamiamy, ze po krótkiej chorobie odszedł od nas Marek Krzanowski. Był pełnym pasji nauczycielem i radosnym człowiekiem. Swoje miejsce na ziemi odnalazł w Ghanie, gdzie był szczęśliwy.

Jego śmierć była dla bliskich zaskoczeniem i przyniosła ogromny smutek.

Koszty Transportu przerosły nasze możliwości finansowe. Zwracamy się z ogromną prośbą o pomoc, abyśmy mogli pożegnać Marka w jego rodzinnym Krośnie.

Dzięki Wam będziemy mogli sprowadzić Marka do domu i odprowadzić go na wieczny spoczynek, gdzie zapalimy znicze i oddamy się wspólnej modlitwie. 

It is with great sadness , we notify you about the departure of Mark Krzanowski. 

He passed away unexpectedly after the short illness. 

Mark was a wonderful man and a teacher full of passion , joy and kindness. 

Ghana was one of his beloved places on the Earth , where he found peace and happiness. 

His passing brought a great sadness and came as a big surprise ,that none of us were prepared for .

Therefore , we would like to kindly request help in bringing Mark to his hometown in Poland , in order to bury him in the family grave . 

The cost of burial has greatly exceeded our financial means , hence the kind request for support from friends and colleagues . 

With your help , we will be able to bring him home and give Mark a final resting place , where we can visit , light a candle and offer him our prayers.

English below:

It is with great sadness , we notify you about the departure of Mark Krzanowski. 

He passed away unexpectedly after the short illness. 

Mark was a wonderful man and a teacher full of passion , joy and kindness. 

Ghana was one of his beloved places on the Earth , where he found peace and happiness. 

His passing brought a great sadness and came as a big surprise ,that none of us were prepared for .

Therefore , we would like to kindly request help in bringing Mark to his hometown in Poland , in order to bury him in the family grave . 

The cost of burial has greatly exceeded our financial means , hence the kind request for support from friends and colleagues . 

With your help , we will be able to bring him home and give Mark a final resting place , where we can visit , light a candle and offer him our prayers.

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