id: dden9n

GE Healthcare - Hoover Table - Troubled Youth

GE Healthcare - Hoover Table - Troubled Youth

Our users created 1 213 845 fundraisers and raised 1 311 787 234 zł

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Zrzutka for Karaoke for GE Healthcare charity during the culture workout

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Donations 13

Jakub G.
100 zł
150 zł
Ali lariane
100 zł
100 zł
User unregistered
20 zł
User unregistered
100 zł
Łukasz Drożdż
150 zł
Jakub Dawiec
10 zł
10 zł
Michał Duczmal
300 zł
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2500 characters
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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