id: dkjrzy

Projekt samochodu, marzenia się spełnia!

Projekt samochodu, marzenia się spełnia!

Inactive donations - the required operation of the Organiser of the fundraiser. If you are an Organiser - log in and take the required action.

Our users created 1 201 403 fundraisers and raised 1 274 457 631 zł

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Zbieram na projekt mojego samochodu, jest to mój pierwszy samochód i za własne pieniążki, wiec bardzo cenie te autko, zawsze interesowała mnie motoryzacja i chciałbym dokonać pare zmian w moim samochodzie

There is no description yet.

There is no description yet.

The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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no donations yet, be first to donate!

No donations yet, be first to donate!

Inactive donations - operation of the fundraiser's Organiser required. If you are a Organiser - log in and take the required action.