id: dvyem3

Urodziny Rokko 2023

Urodziny Rokko 2023


Kobolds are small reptilian creatures with scaled skin, usually red, and small horns.[1]


There are two main subspecies of kobold on Eberron, with legends of a third. Kobolds can detect the subrace of another kobold by scent within 15 feet (4.6 meters) and are attracted to the smell of their own subrace, even becoming discontent or melancholy when absent for long periods.[4]

   The iredar ("ones of earth") kobolds are held to be descended from the dragon Eberron. They tend toward magics of defense and binding (abjurations and conjurations).[4]

   The irvhir ("ones below") kobolds are held to be descended from the dragon Khyber. They tend toward magics linked to corruption and darkness (i.e., fear, darkness, necromantic magics).[4]

   The irsvern ("ones above") kobolds are winged kobolds held to be descended from the dragon Siberys and dwell in the highest mountain peaks. It is unknown if they truly exist or ever did. Tolas Koln of the Wayfinder Foundation, in 867 YK, claimed in a journal entry to have seen winged kobolds with amazing powers of sorcery. Many consider it to have been a hoax, though other kobolds are firm in their belief of the existence of irsvern kobolds.[4]

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