id: dxhk7z

Pilna zrzutka - Tata na Ukrainie / We left our Dad in Kyiv

Pilna zrzutka - Tata na Ukrainie / We left our Dad in Kyiv

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Koleżanka córki z przedszkola miała w czwartek wrócić z rodzicami do Polski.

Wróciła Karolina z mamą Tanya Kovalchuk, tata - Roman został na froncie.

Jako strzelcy sportowi wysyłamy mu wszystko co mamy, a jemu może pomóc - swoje średniotaktyczne plecaki, kolimatory, osobiste apteczki IFAK z izraelami, olaesami i okluzjami, nawet buty - jemu i jego kolegom w Kijowie to wszystko się bardziej przyda.

Na ten moment zakupiliśmy sporo rzeczy z listy bezpośrednio od Romana - hełmy, kamizelki, wkłady balistyczne, ładownice, kurtki i spodnie, bieliznę, maty.

Możecie wrzucić darowiznę na Stowarzyszenie FEHU Strzelecki Klub Sportowy - krs 000071222, Stowarzyszenie Fehu, Strzelecki Klub Sportowy

konto PLN 18 1140 2004 0000 3802 7736 2805,

konto EUR 58 1140 2004 0000 3612 1484 1284,

konto GBP 63 1140 2004 0000 3412 1484 1292.

Wpisz w tytule Roman - w polskim ładzie jest ulga sponsoringowa dla firm, fizyczni odliczą od dochodu.

Z listy bezpośrednio od Romana, może komuś zalegają stare szpeje jak latarki, powerbanki, apteczki, konkretnie:

To dajcie znać - przyjmę, kupię.

Proszę pomóżcie.

English below:

Urgent help needed! 

I have a daughter and she has a friend at the nursery. This young girl—my daughter’s friend—and her parents recently visited Ukraine, and were meant to be back on Thursday; however, they got held back…

Mum and daughter made it back to Poland, where they currently live, but this young girl’s dad, Roman, stayed back to fight. 

As you may have already heard, there’s a massive need in Ukraine of: bulletproof vests, helmets, gun belts, torches, power banks, etc. My friend, this young girl’s dad, Roman, stayed back to fight for his country, his family and the freedom of Europe. Unfortunately, he’s in need of some gear, like so many others in this perilous predicament. He’s received a gun and that’s it! He has no other means to protect himself. This is the sad and brutal reality for many people. 

Fortunately, I’ve managed to secure some ballistic helmets and vest platforms. But the invoice for these items needs to be paid ASAP. Please help in any way that you can, for Roman, so that he has a better fighting chance to see his family again.  

Below is a list of gear that’s needed—Poland has no stock available. Again, any help would be greatly appreciated. 

- Warran multicam

- Plate carriers, vest platforms 

- Armor inserts - hard plates 

- Ballistic helmets

- Pouches

- Holsters

- Extra armour

- Jackets

- Load carriage rigs

- Boots

- IFAK, trauma kits

I can get you in touch with Roman, if anyone is willing and able to help directly (he specifically asked for torches, power banks, and, gun belts.). 

Thank you.

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