id: eas9dm

Please help us save Mondo / Proszę pomóż nam ocalić Mondo / Save the kitten life Mondo

Please help us save Mondo / Proszę pomóż nam ocalić Mondo / Save the kitten life Mondo

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Mondo, a brave and lovely kitty boy, has experienced a lot of trauma despite his very young age.

We found him in a park near Dubai Creek with a very bad eye infection. He had to be separated from his mum and his two siblings otherwise he would go blind. He was diagnosed with Parvo too, so he had to stay for two weeks at the vet, but he survived. He had already lost his left eye and had limited eyesight in his right foggy eye. He was too small to go for the surgery to remove the blind eye. So we found a foster home for him and he was under medication to save his right eye. Unfortunately, his foster person was not able to keep him anymore and he has to move to another foster home. He has to go for a surgery to remove and clean the blind eye to prevent it from getting infected. Then when he gets older, he should go for another surgery for his foggy eye. The process to save his life has cost a lot of money so far and Mondo needs help for the rest his medical treatment. At this time, we need your help for the first surgery. He is full of life and joy and we are trying to give him the chance to live a happy and healthy life.

Pomóżcie nam uratować Mondo.

Mondo znaleźliśmy w parku niedaleko Dubai Creek z bardzo poważną infekcją oka. Musiał zostać oddzielony od mamy i dwójki rodzeństwa. Zdiagnozowano u niego również Parvo, więc musiał zostać przez dwa tygodnie u weterynarza, ale przeżył. Stracił już lewe oko i ma ograniczony wzrok w prawym oku. Był zbyt mały żeby iść na operację usunięcia ślepego oka. Więc znaleźliśmy dla niego dom zastępczy i kontynuowaliśmy leczenie chorego oka. Modo musi mieć operację usunięcia i oczyszczenia ślepego oka, aby zapobiec zakażeniu. Potem, kiedy dorośnie, powinien przejść kolejną operację chorego oka. Proces ratowania jego życia kosztował do tej pory dużo pieniędzy, a Mondo potrzebuje pomocy na resztę jego leczenia. Jest pełen życia i radości, a my staramy się dać mu szansę na szczęśliwe i zdrowe życie.

English below:

Mondo, a brave and lovely kitty boy, has experienced a lot of trauma despite his very young age.

We found him in a park near Dubai Creek with a very bad eye infection. He had to be separated from his mum and his two siblings otherwise he would go blind. He was diagnosed with Parvo too, so he had to stay for two weeks at the vet, but he survived. He had already lost his left eye and had limited eyesight in his right foggy eye. He was too small to go for the surgery to remove the blind eye. So we found a foster home for him and he was under medication to save his right eye. Unfortunately, his foster person was not able to keep him anymore and he has to move to another foster home. He has to go for a surgery to remove and clean the blind eye to prevent it from getting infected. Then when he gets older, he should go for another surgery for his foggy eye. The process to save his life has cost a lot of money so far and Mondo needs help for the rest his medical treatment. At this time, we need your help for the first surgery. He is full of life and joy and we are trying to give him the chance to live a happy and healthy life.

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