id: enwgzd

Prezenczyk dla Karola

Prezenczyk dla Karola

Our users created 1 213 819 fundraisers and raised 1 311 665 172 zł

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Dear friends!

I hope you’re ready to celebrate with us Carlitos birthday’s next Thursday!!! (remember to leave your car at home, cause were going to drink a lot of wine 😁) 

But before that, I would like to collect some money for his gift! The idea is to buy him the new AirPods Pro! 

I hope you would like to participate 🙌🏻 I think between 80-100zl per person should be fine. (Up to you) 

Prepare the fireworks and we will explode on Thursday!!! 

see you there! 


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Donations 15

100 zł
Hanna Zając
100 zł
150 zł
100 zł
Luan Glumbowsky
100 zł
Aga Beee
100 zł
Kuba I Paula
200 zł
Ola i Tadek
200 zł
Ola i Menelaos
200 zł
100 zł
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2500 characters
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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