id: f39are

Pomoc poszkodowanym w wojnie na ukrainie

Pomoc poszkodowanym w wojnie na ukrainie


W związku z przykrą sytuacją na naszej wschodniej granicy, gdzie wielu ludzi walczy o wolność nie tylko swoją ale i naszą, wiele kobiet i dzieci musiało opuścić swój kraj, gdzie pozostało na pastwe losu. Nie da się przejść obojętnie wobec takich osób dlatego planuje w małym stopniu wesprzeć tych biednych ludzi. W Rudzie Śląskiej jest mnóstwo dzieci i mam które potrzebują nie tylko prowiantu ale i innych potrzebnych codziennie rzeczy. Planuję zrobić za tą kwotę zakupy na najpotrzebniejsze rzeczy i zawieść im, zdjęcia zostaną dodane podczas całej akcji. Pozdrawiam i bardzo dziękuje w moim imieniu jak i tych ludzi za wszelką pomoc.

Due to the unpleasant situation on our eastern border, where many people are fighting for freedom, not only their own but also ours, many women and children have had to leave their country, where they are left to their fate. It is impossible to remain indifferent to such people, so I plan to support these poor people to a small extent. There are a lot of children in Ruda Śląska and mothers who need not only provisions but also other necessities every day. I plan to make purchases for the most necessary things for this amount and disappoint them, photos will be added during the entire action. Greetings and thank you very much on my behalf and on behalf of these people for all their help.

English below:

Due to the unpleasant situation on our eastern border, where many people are fighting for freedom, not only their own but also ours, many women and children have had to leave their country, where they are left to their fate. It is impossible to remain indifferent to such people, so I plan to support these poor people to a small extent. There are a lot of children in Ruda Śląska and mothers who need not only provisions but also other necessities every day. I plan to make purchases for the most necessary things for this amount and disappoint them, photos will be added during the entire action. Greetings and thank you very much on my behalf and on behalf of these people for all their help.

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