id: fs4y4g

For the education / Collect for course

For the education / Collect for course

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My name is Klaudia im 25 years old

2020 been so hard for everyone -for me aswell. i try collect money for my education( instructor course in Poland), but covid didnt help me. I close my bussines first time for 6 months and now for 1 months . Goverment didnt pay my any help grand because my bussines been open to short . This is very hard for me same like for you, i think . Im hairdresser and my specialist is regeneration and reconstruction hair and i totally love this! i dont want to stop mysself with hairdressing ! The cost of this course in Poland is 3500zl(700pounds) . I try to collect this money but i no will be do this without your help ! If u want to support me i will be so happy!

English below:


My name is Klaudia :)

I have 25 years and im hairdresser My specialist is regeneration and reconstruction hair . This is my love. 2020 been very hard for every one ! For me aswell , i need to close my bussines firs for 6 months , and now for one month. The goverment didnt pay me any help grand because my bussines been open to short. But i dont want definitly close my work ! i want to be strong - u aswell need to be strong remember this! I want collect money for my course education. The cost of course in Poland is 3500zl (700 pounds) . This is my dream but i cant collect this money alone. I will be so happy if u can help me little bit.

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