id: fv7vda

Studia w Australii

Studia w Australii

Inactive donations - the required operation of the Organiser of the fundraiser. If you are an Organiser - log in and take the required action.

Our users created 1 201 409 fundraisers and raised 1 274 463 830 zł

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Witajcie! Mam na imie Karolina i jestem studentka, ktora w nastepnym roku ma mozliwosc pojechania na wymiane do Melbourne. Ze wzgledu na brak wystarczajacych funduszy zwracam sie do was z prosba, abyscie mnie wsparli. Bede wdzieczna za kazda zlotowke!

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Inactive donations - operation of the fundraiser's Organiser required. If you are a Organiser - log in and take the required action.


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