id: gr6k77

Wsparcie Klubu Wierzyca Stara Kiszewa sezon 22/23

Wsparcie Klubu Wierzyca Stara Kiszewa sezon 22/23

Our users created 1 166 570 fundraisers and raised 1 213 248 275 zł

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Wszystkich chętnych zapraszamy do wsparcia naszej działaności na drugi okres sezonu 22/23

Wierzyca to My ⚪️🔵

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The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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Donations 3

Patryk Bicek
250 zł
Hidden data
50 zł
[email protected]
300 zł


2500 characters
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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