id: hwnv88

Ian Boon and The Music II

Ian Boon and The Music II


Ian & Boon The Music wydali (obecnie CD) kontynuację swojego debiutanckiego albumu. Tym razem robiąc to trochę inaczej, planujemy wydać limitowaną edycję winylową dla wiernych fanów, miłośników muzyki i audiofilów.

WSZYSTKIE zebrane pieniądze zostaną przeznaczone na limitowane tłoczenie 100 winyli. Prosimy naszych wiernych fanów, przyjaciół i rodzinę, aby stali się częścią historii i pomogli nam w naszych poszukiwaniach. To będzie coś naprawdę wyjątkowego!!!

Ian & Boon The Music have released (CD at the moment) the follow up to their debut album. Doing things a little differently this time the plan is to release a limited edition vinyl for loyal fans, music buffs & audiophiles.

ALL money raised will go to a limited pressing of 100 vinyl. We are asking our loyal fans, friends & family to be a part of history and help us in our quest. It is going to be something really special!!!

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Created by Organiser:
Electronics & Music • Music
VINYL /CD for loyal fans, friends, family, music buffs and audiophiles
anybody who gives 100zl or more will receive one of the limited edition vinyl & a CD signed or unsigned by the band. They will also receive a huge amo...

100 zł

Sold: 10 out of 70

Electronics & Music • Music
CD for fans, friends and family
anybody who gives 50zl will receive one of the limited edition CD's signed or unsigned by the band. They will also receive a huge amount of good karma...

50 zł

Sold: 9 out of 70

Electronics & Music • Music
VINYL for loyal fans, friends, family, music buffs and audiophiles
anybody who gives 75zl or more will receive one of the limited edition vinyl signed or unsigned by the band. They will also receive a huge amount of g...

75 zł


Comments 1

2500 characters
  • AC
    Agata i Józek

    a huge amount of good karma convinced me :D

    100 zł