id: jd5d9c

Ola Farewell Gift

Ola Farewell Gift


Ola is leaving Partyka.

2 years ago I was in Krakow in a Milonga and I met a girl, a young girl that I never saw in Warsaw, so I cabeceo and we started to dance. It was magic, even if we never danced before there was an immediate connection and I had a lot of fun. After the first song I introduced myself and I asked her name, “My name is Ola” (so easy, there are a lot of Ola’s in Poland, it will be easy to remember) and straight after I asked where she was from. She replied with the smile that all of you know (it’s a joke e.d.), “I’m from Krakow but I live in Warsaw”. I was shocked, it was more than 4 months that i was living and dancing in Warsaw and i didn’t spot her, so i asked the classical question: Where are you dancing? Her reply was unexpected: “I dance in Krakow, I like the Tango community here more”. The rest of the story you already know. I asked Ola to start with me our crazy idea of Noprofit Project for young people in Warsaw and here we are.

I would not be here writing to you if Ola didn’t say “Yes” 2 years Ago.

Ola is the soul of Partyka, Ola was always there when I needed someone to talk about The Project, when I had doubts and when it was time to make (difficult) decisions.

Tango is a Couple dance, and Ola is the best partner that i ever had in my Tango Life.

“I’m leaving Warsaw in few months”, that’s the phrase that Ola told me few months ago. “I would like to stay closer to Siva so I decided that after i finish my studies I'll move to Netherlands”. You can’t imagine how many times i asked if she was joking or if she was serious, you can’t imagine all the time that i was asking her usual question “Are you staying with us?”.

But Ola is leaving, and it’s official. So let’s organize a great farewell together! 

I’m collecting money to make her a great gift and let her miss us so much when she’ll be in Netherlands!

This is the FB Event:

Save the date and join the party!

🗓️ date: 27th of September

⏰ time: 22:00 - 01:30

📍 place: Leszno 32, 01-199 Warszawa (Tango Partyka Headquarter)

If you have ideas about the gift let me know, see you at the party!


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