id: ktytvc

FACTOR supports charity funds for the development and recovery of Ukraine

FACTOR supports charity funds for the development and recovery of Ukraine

Our users created 1 201 732 fundraisers and raised 1 274 979 528 zł

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7 months ago Russia started a horrific invasion of the territory of Ukraine. Despite the fact that a lot of have been done, Ukrainians still need support, as military actions are continuing. People from the unoccupied territories suffer now, as their houses were ruined and their property was stolen. Still, a lot of refugees need help to survive.

Charity fund of development and recovery of Ukraine is continuing to find ways to support these poor people and Ukrainian defenders by doing reimbursement of destroyed property, reconstructing ruined buildings, providing humanitarian aid to people and shelters for animals, and supporting Ukrainian manufacturers of drones and military ammunition.

Now, the fund has a lot of requests for help from different parts of Ukraine, so there is a need to collect as much money as possible.

Factor as a company with a strong focus on corporate social responsibility decided to continue the support of the Ukrainian People, that faced such a horrible situation. Aside from the collections, legal services, and volunteering, we hereby set up a money collection where you can donate any sum you wish to help Ukraine.

Once money will be collected, it will be sent to verified representatives of the Charity fund for the development and recovery of Ukraine to buy all the needed stuff.

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Donations 18

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200 zł
100 zł
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100 zł
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50 zł
200 zł
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Mikhail Bychkou
300 zł
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