id: msse5r

Kitchen , toilet , 30 chickens and 10 goats for my kids at Kathama School - Kenya

Kitchen , toilet , 30 chickens and 10 goats for my kids at Kathama School - Kenya

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I recently had the fortune to visit a small school in a village in Kenya. In the small hut that was the school buil­ding I saw 20 small Kenyan kids take classes under a roof of palm leaves. Inside the buil­ding they are all sitting on wooden boards, placed on top of rocks and they only have some scrap paper and a few pencils to share.

What also struck me was that all of them were bare­­foot. In this region of Kenya the villages are small and not every village has a school, so many of these kids came from other villages. They all walked to school every morning, some even had to walk for as long as two hours to make it to school.

Witne­s­sing this, is how my Mission of Hearts begun. I did not go looking for it. I was on vaca­­tion, and while on a guided safari tour I saw this school, a branch of the Kathama Primary School, on the route of Watamu – Tsavo East Park, in one of the villages we stopped by.

I had brought with me from Poland a bag of note­­books and pencils, thin­king that would be helpful in case I met any chil­dren. But, upon meeting these kids I realized that, while every small gesture counts, note­­books and pencils are nowhere near enough. These kids need and deserve much more than that.

Back in Poland I realized it’s quite easy to start private colle­c­tions for dona­­tions and decided to put this site toge­­ther. So, if you want to do some­­thing good, which rises beyond the horizon of everyday life – please join me in this modest effort. Every little gesture and every penny is a small miracle for these chil­dren.

As you can see, these kids require:


 A new roof for their school 

 Chairs to sit on properly 

 Benches for their school work 

 And shoes for their long walks (40 pairs)


I am seeking support among friends and acqu­­a­in­tances. This is a private action, anyone who knows me knows they can trust me and that all dona­­tions will go directly to the chil­dren that you see in the picture. In late July and early August I plan to go back to Kenya, buy the equip­ment and bring it to them perso­­nally. At every step along the way I will keep you informed about the state of my mission.

So, please come join me in this mission. Let us all come toge­­ther and help these chil­dren stay dry under a proper roof and let’s get them shoes!


 Wersja polsko­­je­­zyczna

Nie wiem czy doświa­d­czenie obrazu biedy totalnej jest doświa­d­czeniem niezbędnym dla każdego ale wiem, że każdy kto tego obrazu doświadczy nie będzie mógł o nim zapo­­m­nieć.Tak zaczęła się moja misja serca. Nie szukałam jej. Jeśli chcecie zrobić coś dobrego, co wznosi się poza hory­­zont codzie­n­ności - dołączcie do mnie. Każdy mały gest i każda złotówka jest małym cudem dla tych dzieci.

Szkoła jest oddziałem Kathama School, na trasie Watamu - Tsavo East Park. Wpadłam tam tylko na chwile z torbą zeszytów i ołówków. ... 

Jak widzicie dzieci te potrze­­bują:

- nowego dachu
- krzeseł
- ławek

Zakup tych rzeczy będzie naszym głównym celem. 

Na chwile obecną siedzą na desce poło­­żonej na dwóch kamie­­niach. Skrawek kartki papieru (jeśli akurat jakiś turysta zostawił) i tablica. A dzieci te codziennie idą do szkoły nawet 2 godziny. Boso. 
Szukam wsparcia wśród przy­­ja­­ciół i znajo­­mych. To prywatna akcja, każdy kto mnie zna wie, że może mi zaufać i pomoc trafi w całości, bezpo­­średnio do dzieci, które widzicie na zdjęciu. Na prze­­łomie lipca i sierpnia osobi­­­ście zakupię sprzęt już na miejscu. Na bieżąco będę uczciwie info­r­mować o prze­­biegu akcji, najpierw tu na miejscu potem już w Kenii.


English below:

I recently had the fortune to visit a small school in a village in Kenya. In the small hut that was the school buil­ding I saw 20 small Kenyan kids take classes under a roof of palm leaves. Inside the buil­ding they are all sitting on wooden boards, placed on top of rocks and they only have some scrap paper and a few pencils to share.

What also struck me was that all of them were bare­­foot. In this region of Kenya the villages are small and not every village has a school, so many of these kids came from other villages. They all walked to school every morning, some even had to walk for as long as two hours to make it to school.

Witne­s­sing this, is how my Mission of Hearts begun. I did not go looking for it. I was on vaca­­tion, and while on a guided safari tour I saw this school, a branch of the Kathama Primary School, on the route of Watamu – Tsavo East Park, in one of the villages we stopped by.

I had brought with me from Poland a bag of note­­books and pencils, thin­king that would be helpful in case I met any chil­dren. But, upon meeting these kids I realized that, while every small gesture counts, note­­books and pencils are nowhere near enough. These kids need and deserve much more than that.

Back in Poland I realized it’s quite easy to start private colle­c­tions for dona­­tions and decided to put this site toge­­ther. So, if you want to do some­­thing good, which rises beyond the horizon of everyday life – please join me in this modest effort. Every little gesture and every penny is a small miracle for these chil­dren.

As you can see, these kids require:


 A new roof for their school 

 Chairs to sit on properly 

 Benches for their school work 

 And shoes for their long walks (20 - 25 pairs)


I am seeking support among friends and acqu­­a­in­tances. This is a private action, anyone who knows me knows they can trust me and that all dona­­tions will go directly to the chil­dren that you see in the picture. In late July and early August I plan to go back to Kenya, buy the equip­ment and bring it to them perso­­nally. At every step along the way I will keep you informed about the state of my mission.

So, please come join me in this mission. Let us all come toge­­ther and help these chil­dren stay dry under a proper roof and let’s get them shoes!

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750 zł
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376 zł
Ewa Czopik
259 zł
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211 zł
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209 zł
Aneta Marć-Szczepanowska
200 zł
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