id: mvng7d

Relokacja kota do Polski

Relokacja kota do Polski

Our users created 1 222 587 fundraisers and raised 1 338 871 813 zł

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ENGLISH version below



Celem zbiórki jest sfinansowanie procesu relokacji z Emiratów Arabskich do Polski Louisa - porzuconego kota, ktory dzięki pomocy i zaangażowaniu kilkunastu osób, znalazł dom w Gdańsku. 

Z uwagi na krytyczną sytuację bezdomnych zwierząt w Emiratach Arabskich, relokacja do zachodnich krajów jest dla nich jedynym ratunkiem i szansą na kochający dom, z którego już nigdy nie zostaną wyrzucone. Brak państwowego emirackiego systemu pomocy zwierzętom, powoduje że wszystkie koszty związane z ratunkiem pokrzywdzonych, porzuconych i rannych zwierząt sa pokrywane z prywatnych portfeli osób niosących pomoc. Dlatego zwracamy się do Was o nawet najmniejsze wsparcie, które przybliży Louisa do nowego domu w Polsce.

Koszt relokacji kota liniami Emirates to 500usd + 900aed za niezbędne dokumenty (razem około 3000pln).

Z góry dziękujemy za wszystkie wpłaty w imieniu wszystkich zaangażowanych w pomoc Louisowi.

Z góry dziękujemy! 


Hi All,

The purpose of this found rising is to finance an abandoned cat Louis’s relocation process to Poland. Louis is a lovely cat, until recently nameless, with some treatable medical issues developed due to living in unfavorable outdoors conditions - heat, dust, lack of basic vet care. His luck it to take a new turn - Louis has been found a loving, forever home in Gdańsk, Poland. To get him there we need to cover a high relocation cost (on top of the medical treatment cost that he is being receiving).

Due to the lack of an existent publicly founded support system in place in the UAE to prevent animals unsupervised reproduction and homelessness, thousands of cats each year end up in the street - either being born there or being dumped, once they stopped being cute, playful kittens... This happens especially during the summer months, when temperatures easily reach higher 40s C, up to 50•C. Desert heat makes the lives of furry cats like Louis a living hell. Once they lose their beauty and health, chances to ever find them homes locally often come to zero. During these tough months, adoption in Europe is often their only chance to survive. Finding them loving homes is near impossible, but when few determined people come together, the impossible can happen. That is why we are asking you for your help, to support with the relocation cost and to give Louis a chance for a living home he so deserves, and from which he will never be thrown out again. Even the smallest amount will help bringing Louis closer to his new, future home in Poland.

The total relocation cost is approx. $750 US (Emirates Airlines cargo ticket $500 US and travel and import permits $250 US (~900 AED)).

Your support will give Louis a chance for a happy life in a loving forever home.

Thank you in advance for your kind support.

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