id: nw3xf4

Na ambulans dla Ukrainy vol. 3

Na ambulans dla Ukrainy vol. 3

Our users created 1 216 030 fundraisers and raised 1 317 862 648 zł

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  • Done 06.03.2022


    Already in Ukraine in proper hands 06.03.2022


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Celem zbiórki jest zakup karetki, która będzie służyć w najbardziej zniszczonych regionach Ukrainy.

To, już, nie będzie pierwsza karetka.

Robiliśmy to już wcześniej i zrobimy to ponownie.

Chwała Ukrainie

English below:

The purpose of the fundraiser is to purchase an ambulance that will serve in the most damaged regions of Ukraine.

It won't be the first ambulance anymore.

We have done this before and we will do it again.

Glory to Ukraine

There is no description yet.

There is no description yet.

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The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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Donations 91

Hidden data
100 zł
User unregistered
300 zł
Meghan Kate
100 zł
Alexander Coltman
300 zł
nick greece
300 zł
50 zł
Hidden data
Martin Machacek
500 zł
See more

Comments 3

2500 characters
  • MH
    Mark Hofstetter

    see you all in the sky! When this diabolic war is over I'll visit Ukraine and fly there and I am goning to spend lavishly ...
    cheers & keep as safe as possible

    300 zł
  • CP
    Chris Parel

    Thanks for doing this!

    500 zł