id: pbxhck

Odbudowa zerwanego dachu

Odbudowa zerwanego dachu

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Zrzutka na odbudowę zerwanego dachu:

W moim rodzinnym domu w Sławkowicach, po raz drugi, doszło do zerwania dachu podczas nawałnicy, tym razem 23.07.2022. Sytuacja wymaga  natychmiastowych działań. Trzeba pilnie wymienić więźbę dachową i pokrycie dachu oraz odbudować kominy. Wstępnie koszty oszacowano na ok. 60 tys. zł. Dom zamieszkuje moja Mama emerytka i Siostra. Niedawno zmarł Ojciec. Kto im pomoże jak nie my? Pech chciał, że są w trakcie wymiany okien i wymiany pieca na gazowy, a tu takie niespodziewane wydatki. Wierzę, że dobro wraca, a media i życzliwość znajomych, przyjaciół mają ogromną moc. Będę wdzięczna za każdą, najmniejszą, nawet symboliczną pomoc. Proszę o udostępnianie i z góry dziękuję za dobre serca!

Description of the fundraiser

A fundraiser for the reconstruction of a broken roof:

In my family house in Sławkowice, the roof was broken for the second time during a storm, this time on July 23, 2022. The situation requires immediate action. It is necessary to urgently replace the roof truss and roof covering and rebuild the chimneys. Initially, the costs were estimated at approx. PLN 60 thousand. zloty. My mother, a pensioner and my sister, live in the house. Father passed away recently. Who will help them if not us? It was unfortunate that they were in the process of replacing the windows and replacing the coal stove, and here are such unexpected expenses. I believe that good returns, and the media and the friendliness of friends and acquaintances have great power. I will be grateful for every little, even symbolic help. Please share and thank you in advance for good hearts!

English below:

Description of the fundraiser

A fundraiser for the reconstruction of a broken roof:

In my family house in Sławkowice, the roof was broken for the second time during a storm, this time on July 23, 2022. The situation requires immediate action. It is necessary to urgently replace the roof truss and roof covering and rebuild the chimneys. Initially, the costs were estimated at approx. PLN 60 thousand. zloty. My mother, a pensioner and my sister, live in the house. Father passed away recently. Who will help them if not us? It was unfortunate that they were in the process of replacing the windows and replacing the coal stove, and here are such unexpected expenses. I believe that good returns, and the media and the friendliness of friends and acquaintances have great power. I will be grateful for every little, even symbolic help. Please share and thank you in advance for good hearts!

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