Moneybox created for fundraiser 🇺🇦 #RazemDlaUkrainy / 🇺🇦 Join The International Aid Operation #HelpForUkraine

Starburst Dla Ukrainy / Starburst For Ukraine

Starburst Dla Ukrainy / Starburst For Ukraine

Create your moneybox and raise funds for

🇺🇦 #RazemDlaUkrainy / 🇺🇦 Join The International Aid Operation #HelpForUkraine

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Moneybox description


Let's get together and give our Ukrainian friends the support they currently badly need.

Through this Moneybox we will support a larger fundraise for a number of curial, down-to-earth initiatives that help the refugees and victims of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Starburst Data has declared we will match the amount our employees will donate and Starburst donate it on top of that (up to $100 per employee).

English below:


Let's get together and give our Ukrainian friends the support they currently badly need.

Through this Moneybox we will support a larger fundraise for a number of curial, down-to-earth initiatives that help the refugees and victims of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Starburst Data has declared they will match the amount their employees will donate and donate it on top of that.

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There is no description yet.

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Download the mobile app and fundraise for your goal wherever you are!