Help for Ukrainians / Helping Ukraine with all my friends
Help for Ukrainians / Helping Ukraine with all my friends
Our users created 1 250 816 fundraisers and raised 1 415 642 320 zł
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Zbieram fundusze na:
- środki medyczne dla ludzi w Ukrainie
- butelki dla dzieci, które tutaj przyjechały
- bieżące artykuły - cokolwiek będzie potrzebne ludziom na miejscu, tutaj w PL a nie będzie dostępne ze zbiórek
Dzięki za wsparcie!!!!
English below:
as we need lots of medical stuff for Ukrainians, which we will deliver directly to the hospital in Ukraine, I would like to ask you for support if possible.
I'm making the collection here, because it's the easiest tool we can use, to buy what is needed.
And we need:
Bandages Painkillers Antipyretics Hemostatic agents Antiseptics Bandages Cotton wool Syringes Drip holders For infusion: Ringer's solution, reosorbilact, influgan, physical solution ... etc. Dressing material Haemostatic sponges suture material first aid kits Hemostatic Celox Nalbuphine (syringe) Bandage (Israeli) Occlusive dressings Saline solutions! I would like to buy also the baby accesories, because there's a lot of them and they need bottles, clothes, food...
I want to buy whatever we can not collect from people and what's needed in this particular moment.
Thank you all for supporting us in helping Ukrainians.

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