id: rz9rue

Bobrowiec wspiera uchodźców

Bobrowiec wspiera uchodźców


#Polski📌 #English below⬇️📌

📌Jako oddolna inicjatywa chcemy pomagać potrzebującym, uciekającym z terenów ogarniętych wojną.

Na dzień dzisiejszy, robimy dwa, cztery razy w tygodniu kilkaset kanapek i staramy się organizować dodatkowe napoje, wodę, musy owocowe czy słodycze i przekazywać je wolontariuszon na Dworcu Zachodnim.

Jeśli możesz nas wesprzeć, prosimy o wpłaty. Każda złotówka się przyda! 💶💰💵

Aktywna grupa z Bobrowca

📌 #English

As an independent initiative,

we want to help those in need, who have run away from war and left everything behind.

Currently, we meet from two to four times a week to prepare hundreds of sandwiches. Additionally, we buy water, juices, candy bars, diapers, pads, hygiene products etc.

Later they are distributed by volunteers at the Warsaw West train station. If you want to help us financially, please donate - every penny matters! 💶💰💵

Volunteers from Bobrowiec

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There is no description yet.

Benefits of a recurring donations:
The Organiser receives 100% of your funds - we do not charge any fee
You remain in full control - you can stop the support at any time without any obligations
The Organiser can fully focus on his work
You get permanent access to posts and a special distinction
You don't have to remember about the next payments
It's easier than you think :)
Download apps
Download the mobile app and fundraise for your goal wherever you are!
Download the mobile app and fundraise for your goal wherever you are!


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