Pomoc Humanitarna Ukrainie / Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine
Pomoc Humanitarna Ukrainie / Humanitarian Aid to Ukraine
Our users created 1 236 379 fundraisers and raised 1 378 250 896 zł
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Drogie Koleżanki i Koledzy,
Z bólem serca przyglądamy się bieżącej sytuacji na Ukrainie.
Jesteśmy świadkami dramatu i cierpienia niewinnych ludzi.
Chcielibyśmy zaprosić Was do wzięcia udziału w internetowej zbiórce pracowników naszej firmy, której celem jest pomoc Naszym sąsiadom.
Zebrane środki zostaną przeznaczone na zakup m.in.
zestawów pierwszej pomocy,
sprzętu ratującego życie,
środków higieny i czystości.
Dodatkowo planujemy objęcie pomocą materialną dzieci z domów dziecka przebywających na terenie woj.śląskiego.
Dziękujemy za Wasze zaangażowanie.
English below:
Dear Friends,
The current situation in Ukraine is truly heart-breaking.
It is with great pain and anguish that we witness what is happening in the East.
In an attempt to alleviate as much needless suffering as we can,
We would like to invite you to participate in our local employee fundraising in the hopes of helping our neighbors during this crisis.
The collected funds will be used to purchase:
first aid kits,
life-saving equipment,
hygiene & cleansing products.
In addition, we plan to provide financial assistance to children from Ukrainian orphanges residing in our district.
Thank you for your support.
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May Allah accept my little donation.
Thank you
Hi Magda,
Thank you for the great initiative! I appreciate the time and effort.
Please let me know if there anything I can assist you with.
Hi Valeria, thank you for your support. We really appreciate it. We will let you know about our ways of voluntary support it would be great if you could assist ❤️
Very kind initiative. I whish everyone the best in these difficult times.
Thank you for your support, we hope for peace.
This is from your co workers in the EnerSys facility in Burnaby Canada. This is not a corporate donation. The funds are from your friends here. We stand with you and all of Ukraine.
Thank you, we really appreciate your support.
From Australia with Love and Support