id: shpjea

Help A Lebanese Family

Help A Lebanese Family

Our users created 1 213 968 fundraisers and raised 1 312 297 478 zł

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Family of 4, my aunt, her husband, and their 2 children (10 and 14 years old). Our family in southern Lebanon has been forced to flee their home due to the ongoing bombings. They escaped with only what they could carry as missiles rained down on their neighborhood. Now, they have found temporary refuge in the northernmost part of the country, staying in a school-turned-shelter.

While they are safe for now, they are in urgent need of basic necessities like food, hygiene products, and other essentials. This fundraiser will directly support them during this incredibly difficult time. Your generosity will help provide them with the stability and supplies they desperately need.

Please consider donating or sharing to help our loved ones rebuild a sense of safety and security. Any amount is deeply appreciated. Thank you for your kindness and support.

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Donations 27

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50 zł
Klaudia Suchecka
50 zł
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1 zł
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3 zł
70 zł
User unregistered
300 zł
Maciej Markiewicz
100 zł
55 zł
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Maciej Szulim
100 zł
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