wsparcie dla rodzin z Kijowa / Help for Ukrainian Families
wsparcie dla rodzin z Kijowa / Help for Ukrainian Families
Our users created 1 231 293 fundraisers and raised 1 363 400 923 zł
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Zwracam się do Was o pilna pomoc dla rodzin moich ukraińskich kierowców Konstantina Mamieiev oraz Artura i Mykyty Pylypenko. Część rodzin przebywa obecnie w schronach w Kijowie (na zdjęciach) bez możliwości ucieczki z miasta. Inni przebywają na przedmieściach Kijowa (Velyka Soltanivka) i starają się uciec na zachód w kierunku Polski.
Ci przebywający w schronach mają ze sobą tylko podstawowe rzeczy, nie mogą wracać do mieszkań, które zresztą nie wiadomo w jakim są obecnie stanie. Brakuje im już żywności i podstawowych artykułów higienicznych. Można to kupić, ale tych biednych rodzin na to nie stać.
Zwracam się do Was, abyście wsparli moją akcję zbiorki pieniędzy dla tych rodzin, aby mogli zapewnić sobie podstawowe potrzeby w schronach (w Kijowie można w dalszym ciągu wypłacać pieniądze w bankomatach) oraz jeśli tylko to będzie możliwe, żeby bezpiecznie przyjechać do granicy ukraińsko-polskiej.
Wszystkie środki tutaj będą przekazane w 100% dla tych rodzin. Moi kierowcy zajmą się przekazaniem zgromadzonych środków. Mam do nich pełne zaufanie. Ogromnie Wam dziękuje za udzieloną pomoc!
I am asking you for urgent help for the families of my Ukrainian truck drivers Konstantin
Mamieiev and brothers Artur and Mykyta Pylypenko. Some of their families are currently
living in shelters in Kiev (on photos) without being able to flee the city. Others are in the
suburbs of Kiev (Velyka Soltanivka) and are trying to flee to the west towards Poland.
Those who are in shelter carry only basic belongings with them, they cannot return to their
homes, which condition, moreover, is unknown at present. They are already lacking food
and basic hygiene products. This can be bought, but these poor families cannot afford it.
I am asking you to support my money pool for these families so that they can secure their
basic needs in their shelters (in Kiev you can continue to withdraw money in ATMs) and if it
is possible to travel safely to the Ukrainian-Polish border.
All funds will be transferred here 100 % for these families. My drivers will deal with the
transfer of the funds collected to Ukrainie. I have full confidence in them since they work
with me for a long time and are very trusted people. Thank you very much for your help!
English below:
I am asking you for urgent help for the families of my Ukrainian truck drivers Konstantin
Mamieiev and brothers Artur and Mykyta Pylypenko. Some of their families are currently
living in shelters in Kiev (on photos) without being able to flee the city. Others are in the
suburbs of Kiev (Velyka Soltanivka) and are trying to flee to the west towards Poland.
Those who are in shelter carry only basic belongings with them, they cannot return to their
homes, which condition, moreover, is unknown at present. They are already lacking food
and basic hygiene products. This can be bought, but these poor families cannot afford it.
I am asking you to support my money pool for these families so that they can secure their
basic needs in their shelters (in Kiev you can continue to withdraw money in ATMs) and if it
is possible to travel safely to the Ukrainian-Polish border.
All funds will be transferred here 100 % for these families. My drivers will deal with the
transfer of the funds collected to Ukrainie. I have full confidence in them since they work
with me for a long time and are very trusted people. Thank you very much for your help!
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