id: u3bhb3

#Ukraine_Aid - Friends in need / Our goal is to provide a long term support for shelters in Krakow and hospitals in Ukraine.

#Ukraine_Aid - Friends in need / Our goal is to provide a long term support for shelters in Krakow and hospitals in Ukraine.

Our users created 1 201 400 fundraisers and raised 1 274 456 831 zł

What will you fundraise for today?


Currently we’re supporting:

  • Grabie shelter where live 280 people (including 109 children) – ready to adopt up to 600 people when 2 additional buildings will be finished and put into use.
  • Hospital in Ternopil with delivering medical supplies

Shelter in Grabie, Poland

What: Provide a gym equipment for children

Why: Create a place where children can have a fun 

What is needed: 

  • Volleyball net
  • Basketball baskets
  • Balls
  • Gym mattresses
  • Ball pump


Hospital in Ternopil, Ukraine

What: Provide a medical support for hospital

Why: Enable medical operations to be carried out

What is needed

  • Set of surgical instruments
  • Elastic bandage
  • Bandage
  • Sterile swabs 
  • Octenisept

English below:

Currently we’re supporting:

Grabie shelter where live 280 people (including 109 children) – ready to adopt up to 600 people when 2 additional buildings will be finished and put into use.

Hospital in Ternopil with delivering medical supplies

Shelter in Grabie, Poland

What: Provide a gym equipment for children

Why: Create a place where children can have a fun 

What is needed: 

  • Volleyball net
  • Basketball baskets
  • Balls
  • Gym mattresses
  • Ball pump


Hospital in Ternopil, Ukraine

What: Provide a medical support for hospital

Why: Enable medical operations to be carried out

What is needed

  • Set of surgical instruments
  • Elastic bandage
  • Bandage
  • Sterile swabs 
  • Octenisept

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There is no description yet.

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Donations 61

Benjamin William Hunt
100 zł
Hidden data
Hidden data
50 zł
Isabelle GRENET
100 zł
Hidden data
60 zł
Ali Bonnar
100 zł
Hidden data
300 zł
Hidden data
250 zł
User unregistered
446,79 zł
See more

Comments 2

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