id: u7yrxt

Spelnij moje marzenie

Spelnij moje marzenie

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Our users created 1 156 730 fundraisers and raised 1 200 861 367 zł

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There is no description yet.

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The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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Donations 28

Paweł Lipka
501 zł
Marcin Kapituła
104 zł
Rafał Skała
104 zł
Robert Kremski
42 zł
Tomasz Parafiniuk
21 zł
Hidden data
21 zł
Dariusz Stańczyk
21 zł
User unregistered
20 zł
Michal Władowski
20 zł
User unregistered
20 zł
See more

Comments 4

2500 char