id: uau4y5

Zerówka 2022/2023

Zerówka 2022/2023

Our users created 1 214 033 fundraisers and raised 1 312 420 308 zł

What will you fundraise for today?


Zbiórka na Dzień Nauczyciela, Upominki Świąteczne etc. 
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There is no description yet.

The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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Donations 19

100 zł
Agnieszka Awakowicz
Joanna Cieminska
100 zł
Grażyna Stepien-Ptak
100 zł
Aleksandra Szajewska
Natalia Kręska
Marcin Wasilewicz
100 zł
Joanna Ciemińska
100 zł
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2500 characters
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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