id: umcrmz

Marzenia ćwierćwiecznej Agi

Marzenia ćwierćwiecznej Agi


(Almost) 25-year-old Aga has many ideas and dreams that each of us can contribute to realizing. We hope that with our birthday gift, she will be able to get closer to realizing one of them. Maybe it will be a trip to an exhibition of her photographic works abroad, maybe some other expense connected with her great passion - photography (at which she is really good), or maybe she will take a completely different direction and, in order to enrich her life in the next quarter of a century, buy the musical instrument of her dreams. Or maybe we will contribute to making something a reality that we, and perhaps even Aga herself, don't yet know is going to happen. Whatever it is, we believe it will bring a lot of positive emotions and impressions and we wish her dreams come true!


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