id: vk6kcz

Laptop for my Master's studies

Laptop for my Master's studies


Hi Family!

As my birthday is slowly coming up I wanted to ask you not to get me any physical gifts this year but instead contribute to my goal of getting a new laptop. I am currently writing my final thesis and I'll be going abroad for Master's programme in autumn so I will be needing a new laptop as the one I have is getting a bit lazy (can't blame him, he's 9 years old). I realise it is a lot to ask for, and I feel stupid doing that but even the smallest amount of money would mean the world to me :)

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Comments 2

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    Anonymous user

    We wish you all the success, joy and pleasure that comes from having a new laptop and we know that it’s going to contribute to the amazing things that you will achieve in the upcoming years. We love you to bits and we are so proud of you!! . Su- Lu - May

  • KP
    Karol Pilch

    Buziaki ❤️

    500 zł