Squizzers for Ukraine / Squizzers for Ukraine
Squizzers for Ukraine / Squizzers for Ukraine
Our users created 1 252 336 fundraisers and raised 1 422 639 773 zł
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Pilnie potrzebujemy Twojej pomocy aby kontynuować zapewnienie ochrony ratującej życie ukraińskim rodzinom zmuszonym do opuszczenia swoich domów.
Twoje wsparcie pomoże zapewnić schronienie rodzinom z Ukrainy w naszym regionie (Szczecin, Zachodniopomorskie, Polska)
Skupiamy się na bezpośredniej, natychmiastowej pomocy, takiej jak transport, zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie, woda, zestawy higieniczne, wspieranie dostępu do edukacji.
English below:
We urgently need your help to continue providing life-saving protection to Ukrainian families forced to flee their homes.
Your support can help ensure that families from Ukraine forced to flee their homes are sheltered and safe in our region (Szczecin, Poland)
Our focus is direct, immediate aid such as transport, accommodation, food, water, hygiene kits, supporting access to education.

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Good luck!
Super sprawa! Brawo.
All the best!
Well done Squizzers!! What you are doing to help Ukrainian refugees is truly inspiring.
Inspiring to see what you're all doing to help here.
Just a Squiz customer trying to help out. Thank you for taking on this important and life saving work.