Pomóżmy Olusiowi wrócić do zdrowia / Help Oluś regain his health
Pomóżmy Olusiowi wrócić do zdrowia / Help Oluś regain his health
Our users created 1 217 446 fundraisers and raised 1 322 254 274 zł
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Note: English version below
No cześć :) Tak, to właśnie Ciebie proszę – przeczytaj moją historię.
Nazywam się Aleksander Tomasz Bednarz. Urodziłem się 24.04.2015 o godzinie 20.20. „Piękny, duży, zdrowy synek – 10pkt Apgar” - usłyszeli moi rodzice zaraz po porodzie. Tata pękał z dumy, a Mama płakała ze szczęścia. A Ja? Ja poczułem bicie jej serca, ale tak inaczej niż wcześniej – już nie byłem w brzuszku. Wtuliłem się i zasnąłem. Pierwsze karmienie, zmiana pieluszki, przytulenie, wszystko to było nowe. Nowe dla całej naszej trójki.
Dom. Mój pokój. Moje łóżeczko. Rodzina. Miłość, radość i szczęście.
W 18 dniu życia nagle źle się poczułem. Strasznie bolała mnie głowa. Prężyłem się i wyginałem. Bardzo płakałem. Mama i Tata zadzwonili po pogotowie. Zabrali mnie do szpitala. W karetce mama mocno mnie do siebie tuliła i płakała, słyszałem jak prosiła żebym wytrzymał, ale ja już nie reagowałem.
„Stan dziecka jest bardzo ciężki.”
„Krwawienie do wzgórz i komór mózgu.”
„Niewydolny oddechowo.”
„Silne drgawki.”
„Proszę ochrzcić syna jak najszybciej.”
„Proszę przygotować się na najgorsze.”
A przecież jeszcze rano świetnie się czułem. Byłem z mamą na spacerze, przytulałem się do niej.
Teraz zamknęli mnie w jakiejś plastikowym pudełku. Wszędzie jakieś rurki, kabelki. Ciągle coś pikało. To nie był mój dom.
Prawie dwa miesiące spędziłem na oddziale Intensywnej Terapii Wcześniaków, Noworodków i Dzieci w Legnicy. Dzielnie walczyłem każdego dnia. W tym czasie przeszedłem dwie skomplikowane neurooperacje i dziesiątki mniejszych zabiegów. Mama i Tata byli prawie cały czas ze mną. Słyszałem jak mi śpiewali i opowiadali bajki. Czułem ich obecność. Słyszałem też jak płakali.
W końcu nadszedł ten dzień. Powrót do domu.
„Proszę nie oczekiwać, że On się będzie rozwijał.” „Nie widzi i nie będzie widział. Zresztą to Jego najmniejszy problem.”
Nie rozumiałem tych słów, ale to było o mnie.
Wypis ze szpitala: -wodogłowie pokrwotoczne, -stan po krwawieniu do wzgórz i komór mózgu, -leukomalacja okołokomorowa, -stan po założeniu zastawki komorowo-otrzewniowej.
Znów Dom. Mój pokój. Moje łóżeczko. Rodzina. Miłość, radość i szczęście... I strach rodziców o mnie i moją przyszłość.
Kiedy wydawało się, że teraz może być już tylko lepiej, przyszła ona - epilepsja. Zabrała to co tak ciężko wypracowywałem. Przyniosła ze sobą ogromny lęk, wiele łez, bólu i cierpienia. W związku z nią, ponownie zacząłem odwiedzać sale szpitalne, które stawały się moim drugim domem a metalowe łóżko szpitalne – moim łóżeczkiem.
Jestem silny, odważny i bardzo dzielny. Walczyłem, walczę i zwyciężam każdego dnia.
Ale potrzebuje też Twojej pomocy. Tak, właśnie Twojej.
Rehabilitacja, wizyty u specjalistów, dieta, turnusy i sprzęt rehabilitacyjny - to moja codzienność, która bardzo dużo kosztuje. Moi rodzice muszą rezygnować z części z nich. Widzę, że to ich boli, bo to jest moja szansa – szansa na samodzielność.
Moi rodzice robią wszystko co jest w ich mocy. Jednak z Twoją pomocą możemy zrobić jeszcze więcej i wspólnie wywalczyć dla mnie jeszcze lepszą przyszłość.
Prosimy o Twoje wsparcie.
Dziękujemy. Mama, Tata i Ja – Olek.
English version:
Hello : ) Yes, I’m asking you – please read my story.
My name is Aleksander Tomasz Bednarz. I was born on 24/04/2015 at 08.20pm. "Beautiful, big, healthy boy - 10 points on the Apgar scale" my parents heard these words just after I was born. My dad was extremely proud, and mom cried of happiness. And me? I heard her heartbeat differently than before - I wasn't in her belly anymore. I snuggled in her arms and felt asleep. Nursing, diaper changes and cuddles was all new for the three of us.
My home, my room, my bed and my family. Life was love, joy and happiness.
Suddenly, I felt sick on the 18th day after I was born. My mom suspected that I was experiencing a headache. I was crying a lot. My mom and dad called an ambulance and took me to the hospital. On the way, my mom was cuddling me tightly and crying. She was asking me to hold on, but I was non-responsive.
My parents heard people saying things like:
"The condition of the baby is critical."
"Haemorrhage into the thalamus and ventricles of the brain".
"He has respiratory problems"
"Strong convulsions."
"Please baptize your child as soon as possible."
"Please be prepared for the worst."
It was confusing, as in the morning I was healthy. My mom took me on a walk and we cuddled. And later in the day I was locked in a plastic box with cables hooked all over my body. I was hearing something beep continuously making me realize that we were not at home.
I spent almost two months in the intensive care unit for premature babies, newborns and children in Legnica. I fought every day. During this time, I had two complicated neuro-operations and dozens of smaller medical interventions. My mom and dad were always by my side. I heard them singing and telling me stories. I felt their presence. And I also heard them cry.
And finally the big day arrived that I was allowed to go back to my home.
"Please do not expect that he will be developing". "He can't see anything and he won't. In fact, it is the least one of his problem. "
I didn't understand, but these words were been spoken about me.
The diagnoses from the hospital: - posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus, - condition after haemorrhage into the thalamus and ventricles of the brain, - periventricular leukomalacia, - a condition after the insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
I am home again; in my room, on my bed with my family. Among love, joy and happiness... Yet there is a great fear. A fear that my parents have concerning me and my future.
When it seemed that now finally everything would be okay, epilepsy came. It came and took everything I worked so hard on. It brought a huge fear, lots of tears, suffering and pain. And because of it, I had to start visiting hospital rooms again. Hospitals have now became my second home. A Metal hospital bed is my second bed.
I am strong and brave. I fight and win every day for my life.
But I also need your help. Yes, yours.
Rehabilitation, specialistic medical appointments, proper diet, rehabilitation stays and medical equipment - this is my everyday life. My parents might have to resign from part of these things as it costs a lot. I see that it's hard for them to give this up, as this is my only chance for me to be independent in the future.
My parents are trying to do everything they can. However, with you help we can do much more and all together fight for a better future for me.
We're asking for your support.
Thank you. Mom, Dad and Me – Olek.
How to help?
1. Press „Donate something” (pl: Wpłać na zrzutkę ) on the right side of the main
2. Choose how much do you want to pay (pl: wybierz ile chcesz wpłacić):
1000 zł = approx. 258 $ (American dollar)
500 zł = approx. 129 $
200 zł = approx 51.66 $
100 zł = approx 25.83 $
50 zł = approx. 12.92 $
25 zł = approx. 6,5 $
10 zł = approx. 2,58 $
Other amount (pl: Inna kwota) – you can select any amount
3. Choose the payment method (pl: wybierz metodę płatności)
For the foreign account following options should be most convenient:
1. Masterpass
2. Visa Checkout
3. Visa / Mastercard
4. Google Pay
5. PayU - Recurring payments (pl: PayU – Wpłaty cykliczna)
6. Normal transfer (pl: Zwykły przelew)
4. Summary
5. Sum of costs (pl: suma kosztów)
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You can change your decision and pay or refuse to donate transaction service costs paid for www.zrzutka.pl.
8. Execution of the payment (pl: Realizacja płatności)
Complete information and press “pay
English below:
Hello : ) Yes, I’m asking you – please read my story.
My name is Aleksander Tomasz Bednarz. I was born on 24/04/2015 at 08.20pm. “Beautiful, big, healthy boy – 10 points in Apgar scale” – my parents heard that just after I was born. My dad was extremely proud, and mom cried of happiness. And me? I heard her heartbeat differently than before – I wasn’t in her belly anymore. I snuggled into her arms and felt asleep. First nursing, diaper changes, cuddles, all of that was new - for all three of us.
Home. My room. My bed. Family. Love, joy and happiness.
Suddenly I felt sick on the 18th day of my life. I had terrible headache. I cried a lot. Mom and dad called an ambulance. They took me to the hospital. On the way, my mom cuddled me tightly and cried. I heard her asking me to hold on, but I wasn’t responding anymore.
“The condition of the baby is critical.”
“Haemorrhage into the thalamus and ventricles of the brain”.
"He has respiratory problems”
"Strong convulsions. "
"Please baptize your child as soon as possible. "
"Please be prepared for the worst."
It was strange, in the morning I felt great. I was with my mom on the walk, we were cuddling. And now they locked me in a plastic box. I had some cables all over my body. Something was beeping all the time. It wasn’t my home.
I spent almost two months in the Intensive Care Unit for Premature Babies, Newborns and Children in Legnica. I fought every day. During this time, I had two complicated neurooperations and dozens of smaller medical interventions. Mom and dad was always with me. I heard them singing and telling me fairy tales. I felt their presence. I heard them crying.
And finally the big day has arrived. The day when I could come back home.
“Please do not expect that he will be developing”. “He can’t see anything and he won’t. In fact, it’s his smallest problem”.
I didn’t understand these words, but it was about me.
The diagnoses from the hospital: - posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus, - condition after haemorrhage into the thalamus and ventricles of the brain, - periventricular leukomalacia, - condition after the insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
Home again. My room. My bed. Family. Love, joy and happiness... And the fear of my parents concerning me and my future.
When it seemed that now finally everything could only be better, the epilepsy came. Came and took everything I worked so hard on. It brought huge fear, lots of tears, suffering and pain. And because of it, I had to start visiting hospital rooms again. They became my second home. Metal hospital bed – my second bed.
I am strong and very brave. I fiught and win every day.
But I also need your help. Yes, yours.
Rehabilitation, specialistic medical appointments, proper diet, rehabilitation stays and medical equipment – this is my everyday life which costs a lot. My parents had to resign from part of those things. I see that it’s hard for them to give this up, as this is my only chance for being independent in the future.
My parents try to do everything they can. However, with you help we can do much more and all together fight for a better future for me.
We’re asking for your support.
Thank you. Mom, Dad and Me – Olek.
How to help?
1. Press „Donate something” (pl: Wpłać na zrzutkę ) on the right side of the main:
2. Choose how much do you want to pay (pl: wybierz ile chcesz wpłacić):
1000 zł = approx. 258 $ (American dollar)
500 zł = approx. 129 $
200 zł = approx 51.66 $
100 zł = approx 25.83 $
50 zł = approx. 12.92 $
25 zł = approx. 6,5 $
10 zł = approx. 2,58 $
Other amount (pl: Inna kwota) – you can select any amount
3. Choose the payment method (pl: wybierz metodę płatności)
For the foreign account following options should be most convenient:
1. Masterpass
2. Visa Checkout
3. Visa / Mastercard
4. Google Pay
5. PayU - Recurring payments (pl: PayU – Wpłaty cykliczna)
6. Normal transfer (pl: Zwykły przelew)
4. Summary
5. Sum of costs (pl: suma kosztów)
You have to accept www.zrzutka.pl rules.
You do not have to accept option for informing you about interesting actions.
6. Transaction service cost (pl: Koszt obsługi transakcji)
You can accept or refuse to donate transaction service costs paid for www.zrzutka.pl.
7. Statement in a case when you refuse to donate www.zrzutka.pl
You can change your decision and pay or refuse to donate transaction service costs paid for www.zrzutka.pl.
8. Execution of the payment (pl: Realizacja płatności)
Complete information and press “pay
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aukcja Tomka Wesołowskiego ( Marek Gwizdek)
Dużo zdrówka i powodzenia :-)