id: w9e7kx

Pomóżcie mu wrócić do domu - "zagrożenie więzienia w Kenii" // Help me to go back home "risk of Jail"

Pomóżcie mu wrócić do domu - "zagrożenie więzienia w Kenii" // Help me to go back home "risk of Jail"

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Together, we raise funds for legal assistance for our friend Piotr Litwiniuk, detained in Kenya on March 30, 2021 for piloting a drone.

The collection is directed to all those who would like to help, friends, the kitesurfing community, as well as photographers and travellers.

Piotrek is currently in Kenya. A drone was sighted close to the house of a high-profile politician, and Piotr - who is a foreigner, a mzungu (white person), and staying at a friend’s house next to the high-profile politician - was accused of espionage and terrorism. He was arrested in Kenya and interrogated by Interpol. Fortunately, the services realized that he was not a terrorist, but a tourist. The charges of terrorism and espionage were replaced with four charges related to flying a drone.


He is facing $80k USD fine or 6months imprisonment. He is unable to fly home as the Kenyan judiciary system have confiscated his passport.


The SD card Piotrek submitted to the police contains ordinary, tourist pictures for his social media, and even photos to help his local friends and their businesses. He is a talented photographer and editor and loves to use his talents to help people. 


However, the case was leaked to the press. They want to make an ‘example’ out of him. The calibre of the charges is objectively disproportionate 


Piotrek is many things: a traveller, kitesurfer, climber, freerider, skipper, great photographer, handyman, dancer and the best gardener. Founder of the No Limits kitesurf school. good friend and a decent person.

A criminal he is not. 

The funds that we collect will be spent on legal assistance: providing a lawyer, court costs, costs of being released from custody on bail, costs related to a financial penalty resulting from a court sentence ($80k) and travel back home to Poland.

We ask for solidarity.

A few words from Piotr.

Dear Supporters,

My hands are tied, and I feel helpless. 

I am represented by good lawyers who I have acquired thanks to the support of local friends.

The case is very complicated, and it is not known how it will end.

I fear a huge financial penalty of up to $ 80,000 / 60,000 euro which I simply cannot afford. The consequence of not paying the fine is imprisonment in one of the Kenyan prisons.

I lead a simple life. I founded and run a small kitesurfing school. I try to live life to the fullest through sport, making friends, and bringing them joy. I don't have high expectations. It's hard for me to ask for help, I've never been in such a situation and I don't feel comfortable in it. However, without your help, my position could change drastically. Honestly, I'm scared for my life. 

 My only dream is to go home and end this Kenyan nightmare.


 In a symbolic way, I would like to thank every person who supports this donation.

 I will be extremely grateful for any support you have shown.


There are 3 options

1. You can chose one of the awards

2. You can decide how much you want to donate

(On the next page you will find options with awards or at the bottom of the page you can setup up how much to donate)

Donations are in polish currency

Below you can find exchange rate Euro to PLN

3. You can make traditional bank transfer by using your debit/credit card(visa/MasterCard) or Google Pay

N.B. you can change the language by selecting the drop down tab on the top right corner.

g1d3fa0b2b40629a.jpegEXCHANGE RATE

1 euro - 4.57 zł

100 euro - 457 zł

1000 euro - 4574 zł

You may have noticed that the total donations raised has been removed from the website. We have been legally advised to temporarily remove it due to the sensitivity of the case right now. However, we want to maintain our honesty and transparency and will hopefully be able to show the total donations raised after a significant court date due to take place.




Wspólnie zbieramy fundusze na pomoc prawną dla naszego przyjaciela Piotra Litwiniuka, w Kenii 30.03.2021 za pilotowanie drona. 

Zbiórkę kierujemy do wszystkich osób które chciałyby pomóc, przyjaciół, środowiska kitesurfingowego oraz fotografów i podróżników.

Piotrek przebywa w Kenii. Wraz ze znajomymi robili zdjęcie domu swojego kolegi u którego zatrzymał się w Nairobi, nieświadomie drone znalazł się w pobliżu miejsca zamieszkania polityka wysokiej rangi. Z grupy znajomych Piotr został początkowo oskarżony o szpiegostwo i w asyście antyterrorystów trafił do kenijskiego aresztu w którym spędził 2 dni. Przesłuchiwany był przez Interpol. Na szczęście służby zorientowały się, że to nie terrorysta, ale turysta i zamieniły zarzut terroryzmu i szpiegostwa na cztery inne (dotyczące pilotowania drona bez autoryzacji).

Nadal czeka go proces sądowy i grozi mu kara wysokiej grzywny, a nawet pozbawienia wolności. Pobyt w Kenii i opieka prawna generują dodatkowe koszty. Konsul RP, jak poinformował Piotra, nie może ingerować w wewnętrzne sprawy Kenii. Jedynie mogą monitorować sprawę.

Można sobie łatwo wyobrazić, że każdemu może się zdarzyć taka sytuacja. Kaliber konsekwencji jest obiektywnie kompletnie nieadekwatny do winy. 

Piotr to człowiek orkiestra. Podróżnik, kitesurfer, wspinacz, freerider, skipper, świetny fotograf, złota rączka, tancerz i najlepszy ogrodnik. Założyciel szkoły kitesurfingowej No Limits. 

Dobry przyjaciel i przyzwoity człowiek. 

Środki, które zbierzemy będą przeznaczone na pomoc prawną: zapewnienie prawnika, koszty sądowe, koszty zwolnienia z aresztu za kaucją, koszty związane z karą finansową wynikającą z wyroku sądu, której wysokość może sięgnąć nawet 80 tysięcy dolarów - 60 tysięcy euro , koszty przebywania w Kenii oraz podróży powrotnej do Polski.

Koszty związane z pomocą prawną i kosztami sądowymi:

2000 - 10000 tysięcy euro (ciężko określić górną granicę)

2000 euro - koszt zwolnienia z aresztu

x euro - 60 tysięcy euro - możliwa grzywna

Wysokość zrzutki może się zmienić zmniejszyć lub zwiększyć w zależności od wyroku sądowego

W sytuacji mniejszej kary lub oddaleniu zarzutów różnica lub wszystkie pieniądze zostaną zwrócone darczyńcom przez system


Ze względu na specyfikę i delikatność sprawy i prowadzonych negocjacji prosimy o nie upublicznianie tej sytuacji i zrzutki we wszelkich środkach masowego przekazu. Taki zabieg może na tą chwilę zaszkodzić Piotrowi. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań zapraszamy do kontaktu mailowego.

Prosimy o solidarność

Kilka słów od Piotra.

Drodzy Wspierający, 

mam związane ręce i czuję się bezradny. 

Reprezentują mnie dobrzy prawnicy, których pozyskałem dzięki wsparciu lokalnych przyjaciół.

Sprawa jest bardzo skomplikowana i nie wiadomo, jak się zakończy.

Obawiam się ogromnej kary finansowej nawet do 80 tysięcy dolarów, na którą zwyczajnie nie mogę sobie pozwolić. Konsekwencją nieopłacenia grzywny, jest osadzenie w jednym z kenijskich więzień.

Na co dzień, prowadzę proste życie. Założyłem i prowadzę małą szkołę kitesurfingu. Staram się czerpać z życia jak najwięcej i nie mam za dużych wymagań. Ciężko mi jest prosić o pomoc, nigdy nie byłem w takiej sytuacji i nie czuję się w niej komfortowo. Jednak bez Waszej pomocy moje położenie może się drastycznie zmienić. Szczerze mówiąc, boję się o swoje życie.

Moim jedynym marzeniem, jest powrót do domu i zakończenie kenijskiego koszmaru. 

W symboliczny sposób odwdzięczę się każdej osobie, która wesprze tę zrzutkę. 

Będę niezwykle wdzięczny za każde okazane wsparcie.


English below:

N.B. you can change the language by selecting the drop down tab on the top right corner.


Together, we raise funds for legal assistance for our friend Piotr Litwiniuk, detained in Kenya on March 30, 2021 for piloting a drone.

The collection is directed to all those who would like to help, friends, the kitesurfing community, as well as photographers and travellers.

Piotrek is currently in Kenya. A drone was sighted close to the house of a high-profile politician, and Piotr - who is a foreigner, a mzungu (white person), and staying at a friend’s house next to the high-profile politician - was accused of espionage and terrorism. He was arrested in Kenya and interrogated by Interpol. Fortunately, the services realized that he was not a terrorist, but a tourist. The charges of terrorism and espionage were replaced with four charges related to flying a drone.


He is facing $80k USD fine or 6months imprisonment. He is unable to fly home as the Kenyan judiciary system have confiscated his passport.


The SD card Piotrek submitted to the police contains ordinary, tourist pictures for his social media, and even photos to help his local friends and their businesses. He is a talented photographer and editor and loves to use his talents to help people. 


However, the case was leaked to the press. They want to make an ‘example’ out of him. The calibre of the charges is objectively disproportionate 


Piotrek is many things: a traveller, kitesurfer, climber, freerider, skipper, great photographer, handyman, dancer and the best gardener. Founder of the No Limits kitesurf school. good friend and a decent person.

A criminal he is not. 

The funds that we collect will be spent on legal assistance: providing a lawyer, court costs, costs of being released from custody on bail, costs related to a financial penalty resulting from a court sentence ($80k) and travel back home to Poland.

We ask for solidarity.

A few words from Piotr.

Dear Supporters,

My hands are tied, and I feel helpless.


I am represented by good lawyers who I have acquired thanks to the support of local friends.

The case is very complicated, and it is not known how it will end.

I fear a huge financial penalty of up to $ 80,000 / 60,000 euro which I simply cannot afford. The consequence of not paying the fine is imprisonment in one of the Kenyan prisons.

I lead a simple life. I founded and run a small kitesurfing school. I try to live life to the fullest through sport, making friends, and bringing them joy. I don't have high expectations. It's hard for me to ask for help, I've never been in such a situation and I don't feel comfortable in it. However, without your help, my position could change drastically. Honestly, I'm scared for my life. 

 My only dream is to go home and end this Kenyan nightmare.


 In a symbolic way, I would like to thank every person who supports this donation.

 I will be extremely grateful for any support you have shown.


There are 3 options

1. You can chose one of the awards

2. You can decide how much you want to donate

(On the next page you will find options with awards or at the bottom of the page you can setup up how much to donate)

Donations are in polish currency

Below you can find exchange rate Euro to PLN

3. You can make traditional bank transfer by using your debit/credit card(visa/MasterCard) or Google Pay

N.B. you can change the language by selecting the drop down tab on the top right corner.

g1d3fa0b2b40629a.jpegEXCHANGE RATE

1 euro - 4.57 zł

100 euro - 457 zł

1000 euro - 4574 zł


You may have noticed that the total donations raised has been removed from the website. We have been legally advised to temporarily remove it due to the sensitivity of the case right now. However, we want to maintain our honesty and transparency and will hopefully be able to show the total donations raised after a significant court date due to take place.

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There is no description yet.


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