id: wswvjw

Wsparcie na żywność i środki medyczne dla społeczności Nepalskiej wioski Dhading / Support for communitty of Dhading - Himalayan Nepali village. / Help for small community of Dhading people - village located in Himalayan area of Nepal

Wsparcie na żywność i środki medyczne dla społeczności Nepalskiej wioski Dhading / Support for communitty of Dhading - Himalayan Nepali village. / Help for small community of Dhading people - village located in Himalayan area of Nepal

Our users created 1 177 810 fundraisers and raised 1 230 661 089 zł

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Celem zrzutki jest zebranie środków na wsparcie dla społeczności małej wioski Dhading położonej w Nepalskich Himalajach. W związku z sytuacją pandemii CIOVID 19 brakuje żywności i podstawowych środków pomocy medycznej i na ten cel zbieramy środki. Każdy gest dobrego serca będzie wsparciem dla społeczności i pozwoli przetrwać ten ciężki czas. / Hi, I would like to ask you for help for people of Dhading small village located in Himalayan area of Nepal. The situations is very tough due to pandemic and COVID 19 situation. People starving and dying due to the fact of luck of medical threetment and medical items for help. Food is also necessary . This amount of money will be dedicated for buying food and medical equipment ( oxygen, drugs ). Thank you for your big heart, every cent will be sended to Nepal.

English below:

Hi, I would like to ask you for help for people of Dhading small village located in Himalayan area of Nepal. The situations is very tough due to pandemic and COVID 19 situation. People starving and dying due to the fact of luck of medical threetment and medical items for help. Food is also necessary . This amount of money will be dedicated for buying food and medical equipment ( oxygen, drugs ). Than you for your big heart every cent will be sended to Nepal.

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Donations 1

Maciej Garwacki
100 zł


2500 characters
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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