id: y4rr5k

Mistrzostwa Europy w Paryżu/European Championships in Paris in Jiu Jitsu

Mistrzostwa Europy w Paryżu/European Championships in Paris in Jiu Jitsu

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Witam Wszystkich

Mam na imię Magda.

Przez kilkanaście lat trenowałam Judo z osiagnieciami.

Od około 5 lat trenuje Jiu jitsu i czuję się w tym sporcie bardzo dobrze, i chce się bardzo w nim realizować.

Mistrzostwa Europy w Paryżu w Jiu Jitsu - są to dla mnie pierwszy raz tak duże zawody.

Zawsze było to dla mnie marzeniem wystartować na międzynarodowych zawodach tak dużej rangi.

W karierze judo nie udało mi się tego zrealizować , ale w jiu jitsu czuje że mam duże szanse .

Niestety ciężko o dofinansowania jeśli chodzi o zawody.

Trzeba tak na prawdę za wszystko zapłacić z własnej kieszeni.

Jeśli byłaby możliwość żebyście mi pomogli zrealizować to marzenie byłabym bardzo wdzięczna.

Każda pomoc się przyda.

Z góry bardzo dziękuję za pomoc w spełnieniu marzeń!!!

Magdalena Przybysz - I started my adventure with Judo in 1997 - 1998.

In elementary school, a teacher from wf-u lessons invited me to a Judaean class. He was the coach of the Galeon Gdynia club. At first I didn't want to go to these classes at all but my parents urged me that it was for self-Defence. When I went to the first training, I fell in love with this sport and so it remains to this day.

I was a participant of the Pomeranian championships, as well as tournaments between national ones where I won medals.

The greatest achievement was a bronze medal in the Polish Championships.

Throughout my career, several clubs have passed where I finally found myself in the Viking Gdynia club where the coach is still Dariusz Barszcz.

Thanks to him, my passion developed more but also one of the dreams of passing on my knowledge to younger generations came true. Our cooperation lasted several years. I owe him a lot.

During my sports career - I also became interested in Brazilian Ju Jitsu (I even started in several competitions winning the podium twice in Poland). It was time to go to England - September 2016. At the beginning, by working in 3 shifts, my passion was put aside. I went to the gym more often. A year later, I started occasionally attending a judo club in Birmingham.

Around 2019, a club in Wolverhampton was recommended to me where Artur Jakubowski conducted classes. He infected me with a strong sneak peek into Brazilian Ju Jitsu. He also recommended me a club that was closer to me in Birmingham with coach Norbert Nowak in which he trains to this day.

I took part in a dozen or so competitions in the country in which I always took the podium.

For about 5 years I have been practicing Jiu jitsu and I feel very good in this sport, and I want to realise myself in it very much.

European Championships in Paris in Jiu Jitsu - this is the first time for me such a big competition.

It has always been a dream for me to take part in an international competition of such a high rank.

In my judo career I did not manage to realise it, but in jiu jitsu I feel that I have a good chance.

Unfortunately, it's hard to get funding when it comes to professions. You really have to pay for everything out of your own pocket.

If there was an opportunity for you to help me realise this dream I would be very grateful. Any help will come in handy.

Thank you so much in advance for helping me fulfil my dreams!!!

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Donations 11

100 zł
Artur Oni No Hanzo
100 zł
20 zł
Rafal Wegielewski
50 zł
Paulina Medwid
50 zł
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100 zł
20 zł
20 zł
50 zł
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