id: yw6u52

Sharing is caring / Sharing is caring

Sharing is caring / Sharing is caring

Our users created 1 214 012 fundraisers and raised 1 312 403 089 zł

What will you fundraise for today?


This is zrzutka for birthday gift for our favorite comrade, Mateusz

What are the possible gifts,

  • Voucher for running shoes
  • heart monitor for runners
  • some gardening tools

Any contribution will be much appreciated.

English below:

Gathering some $$$ for our best comrade, Mateusz Trzeciak. The goal is set but it doesn't have to be met, just a reference point

Depending on the money we can get:

-Voucher for running shoes

-running heart monitor

-Gardening tools

Or all of the above.

Any contribution will be much appreciated


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There is no description yet.

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The world's first card for receiving payments. The Payment Card.
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Donations 11

30 zł
30 zł
25 zł
Konrad Chmielewski
25 zł
Bartosz Budzyński
25 zł
25 zł
Łukasz Kaleta
25 zł
25 zł
25 zł
Stefek Hartski
25 zł
See more


2500 characters
Zrzutka - Brak zdjęć

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