id: z7gvjy

Summer holidays for Children from Julin Orphanage

Summer holidays for Children from Julin Orphanage

Our users created 1 201 557 fundraisers and raised 1 274 661 655 zł

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As we all know (and we are waiting for it!) the summer season is coming. We are planning our time off or even already planned it. We wonder who we will meet, what new we will see, what we will experience this summer…

It seems so obvious and typical for holiday season. But unfortunately, this is not common and obvious to everyone. Close to us – in Orphanage in Julin - there are children for whom new holiday experiences are just a dream.

We would like a substitute of these dreams to come true, so we are inviting all of you to raise money for children from Julin and their holiday adventures. The cost of two-week holiday camp for one child is 600 PLN, so we organize a collection to make at least one child smile.

We encourage you to take a part as every penny counts and maybe together, we will be able to help more children.

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Donations 24

70 zł
Filip Plucinski
300 zł
Tomasz Piotrowski
20 zł
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25 zł
Hidden data
300 zł
Hidden data
20 zł
Hidden data
50 zł
100 zł
Hidden data
50 zł
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