For 100 laptops
For 100 laptops
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Hello Friends,
Do you have a minute? I need your help.
I want to buy 100 laptops for Ukrainian children so they may attend an online school from the safety of their homes in Ukraine. Every dollar/zloty/Euro received will go directly into buying laptops. No salaries will be paid out of this fund.
I need your help and donations. Could you please like this post and share it with others so more people can see it?
In the past year and a half, I have handed 255 laptops and a desktop computers to Ukrainian children. I have also brought many tons of foods and supplies into the country. With your help, I want to bring 100 more computers.
Many children are unable to attend school in Ukraine due to the ongoing war; most schools are closed. I value the education I got in my life and the schooling my two teenaged sons have received and want to help the children in Ukraine so they might continue learning – even though they are in the midst of an ugly war.
In Kharkov, the world's first underground school is being built. Of course, that is only one small part of the country.
Online learning is the only way most children in Ukraine can continue learning, but technology is scarce and expensive. While it is true that students could attend online lessons on their parents’ phone, it is less than ideal to learn large amounts of information on such a small screen.
As an Information Technologies expert (IT), I am able to find used laptops and personally run scans and checks to be sure they are working correctly. I scour stores large and small and buy all laptops at a substantial discount in Poland. Mostly, these are the so-called Chromebook, i.e. small laptops with Chrome OS. They are absolutely sufficient for online learning. Usually they cost around 200 zł (45 dollars), but I buy them with a 75 % discount! 5000 zł for 100 items, 50 zł per one laptop, which is 11-12 dollars! MINDBLOWING PRICE! Only because this laptops go to Ukraine as a humanitarian help.
Since the war started in February of 2022, I have led humanitarians into Ukraine to bring supplies to people who are living below the poverty line, wounded soldiers, single parent families, orphaned children, elderly people and anyone else who needed help.
I have personally taken 49 trips into Ukraine to bring supplies. One day if we meet, I will tell you stories over a cup of coffee.
So far, these humanitarians and I have provided students with 255 laptops and computers, mainly to small villages on the Belarusian and Russian borders, where there are few humanitarian aid convoys.
We also bring other supplies into the country: food, dry goods, salt, sugar, canned meats, shampoo, soap, pet food, etc., but for this fundraiser, I want to put another 100 computers directly into kids’ hands. If more money is donated, we will buy more computers. If even more money is collected, we will buy supplies for people who need them most.
My name is Łukasz Wantuch, and I was born and raised in Krakow and am now raising my two sons here. I have been a Krakow city councilor for 7 years and truly believe that the best way to make our world a better and safer place is to help others.
I have been a part of a group of around 100 people who care about helping. All of our trips are privately funded by mostly individual contributors. I have personally been to Lviv, Kiev, Kharkov, Odessa, Kherson, Bucha, Izium and many other parts of the country.
I have seen the best of the country and the worst of the country as people struggle to keep themselves, their families, their communities and even their country safe.
I encourage you to check out my Facebook page If you would like to contact me directly, my email address is [email protected]. I would love to connect with you about how your donation can help the children and the people of Ukraine.
When I buy supplies, transport them into Ukraine and deliver them to people who need them most, I always take photos and videos and post them on my Facebook page. I also post receipts and stories to go along with the donations.
In this way, I show how every dollar/zloty/euro was spent and build trust, which translates into further help from donors.
I have traveled with many people on trips into Ukraine.
Last summer an American writer joined me on three different trips and wrote about the experience. Here is a link to one of Holly Winter Huppert’s posts. Click HERE or here 👇
On my Facebook page, there are also photos and reports from Polish, American, British, South African, Japanese and other countries who helped me bring supplies into Ukraine.
I have been very fortunate to connect with people who care.
Please help me buy 100 laptops for Ukrainian children so they may go to school.
Thank you for being a part of helping Ukraine.

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